We know that usually sound that is perceptible by humans has frequencies from about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, but as the title said, I can still hear the sound of the outputs of the following code:
(* The following sound won't cause discomfort… I think. *)
Play[Sin[1000000 2 Pi t], {t, 0, 1}, SampleRate -> 10000000]
After asking some of my friends to hear them, I'm sure I don't have clairaudience. I think it's probably not the fault of Mathematica, it might be an issue for loudspeaker, but I failed to find an answer by myself and I think it's worth posting a question for this.
failed to produce a gigawatt laser cannon. $\endgroup$Plot[Sin[2 π 2.45 10^9 t], {t, 0, 60}]
. Food still cold. $\endgroup$Inverse[RandomInteger[1000, {1000, 1000}]]
:P $\endgroup$