How to find the initial conditions x[0]
and the optimal value of parameters a
to fit the following system of ODEs?
x'[t] == a*x[t] - b*x[t]*y[t]
y'[t] == -c*y[t] + d*x[t] y[t]
Solution data is:
(* The first column is time 't', the second column is coordinate 'x', and the last
column is coordinate 'y'. *)
data = {{11, 45.79, 41.4}, {12, 53.03, 38.9}, {13, 64.05, 36.78},
{14, 75.4, 36.04}, {15, 90.36, 33.78}, {16, 107.14, 35.4},
{17, 127.79, 34.68}, {18, 150.77, 36.61}, {19, 179.65, 37.71},
{20, 211.82, 41.98}, {21, 249.91, 45.72}, {22, 291.31, 53.1},
{23, 334.95, 65.44}, {24, 380.67, 83.}, {25, 420.28, 108.74},
{26, 445.56, 150.01}, {27, 447.63, 205.61}, {28, 414.04, 281.6},
{29, 347.04, 364.56}, {30, 265.33, 440.3}, {31, 187.57, 489.68},
{32, 128., 512.95}, {33, 85.25, 510.01}, {34, 57.17, 491.06},
{35, 39.96, 462.22}, {36, 29.22, 430.15}, {37, 22.3, 396.95},
{38, 16.52, 364.87}, {39, 14.41, 333.16}, {40, 11.58, 304.97},
{41, 10.41, 277.73}, {42, 10.17, 253.16}, {43, 7.86, 229.66},
{44, 9.23, 209.53}, {45, 8.22, 190.07}, {46, 8.76, 173.58},
{47, 7.9, 156.4}, {48, 8.38, 143.05}, {49, 9.53, 130.75},
{50, 9.33, 117.49}, {51, 9.72, 108.16}, {52, 10.55, 98.08},
{53, 13.05, 88.91}, {54, 13.58, 82.28}, {55, 16.31, 75.42},
{56, 17.75, 69.58}, {57, 20.11, 62.58}, {58, 23.98, 59.22},
{59, 28.51, 54.91}, {60, 31.61, 49.79}, {61, 37.13, 45.94},
{62, 45.06, 43.41}, {63, 53.4, 41.3}, {64, 62.39, 40.28},
{65, 72.89, 37.71}, {66, 86.92, 36.58}, {67, 103.32, 36.98},
{68, 121.7, 36.65}, {69, 144.86, 37.87}, {70, 171.92, 39.63},
{71, 202.51, 42.97}, {72, 237.69, 46.95}, {73, 276.77, 54.93},
{74, 319.76, 64.61}, {75, 362.05, 81.28}, {76, 400.11, 105.5},
{77, 427.79, 143.03}, {78, 434.56, 192.45}, {79, 410.31, 260.84},
{80, 354.18, 339.39}, {81, 278.49, 413.79}, {82, 203.72, 466.94},
{83, 141.06, 494.72}, {84, 95.08, 499.37}, {85, 66.76, 484.58},
{86, 45.41, 460.63}, {87, 33.13, 429.79}, {88, 25.89, 398.77},
{89, 20.51, 366.49}, {90, 17.11, 336.56}, {91, 12.69, 306.39},
{92, 11.76, 279.53}, {93, 11.22, 254.95}, {94, 10.29, 233.5},
{95, 8.82, 212.74}, {96, 9.51, 193.61}, {97, 8.69, 175.01},
{98, 9.53, 160.59}, {99, 8.68, 146.12}, {100, 10.82, 131.85}};
I have tried ParametricNDSolveValue
but get a lot error message. Can you help me?
Solution(up to now)
We now have a direct method to solve this problem. The main idea is interpolating
many points from t=11
to t=100
, then get the value of dx/dt
and dy/dt
by Finite
Difference method(with minor time step, this can decrease the loss of accuracy). Finally,
just use FindFit
twice to get parameters a
, b
and c
, d
. So that system of ODEs
can be determined, but how can we find x[0]
and y[0]
? Just solve the system backward using NDSolve
or NDSolveValue
{t, x, y} = Transpose[data]; (* extract data *)
{xdata, ydata} = (Transpose[{t, #}]) & /@ {x, y}; (* get {t,x} and {t,y} pairs *)
fx = Interpolation[xdata, Method -> "Spline"]; (* spline interpolation *)
fy = Interpolation[ydata, Method -> "Spline"];
ab=FindFit[Transpose[{fx[t], fy[t], dx}], a*X - b*X Y, {a, b}, {X, Y}]
cd=FindFit[Transpose[{fx[t], fy[t], dy}], -c*Y + d*X Y, {c, d}, {X, Y}]
Here we get {a -> 0.213493, b -> 0.00119763}
and {c -> 0.104194, d -> 0.000950553}
As I put above, use NDSolve
to find x[0]
and y[0]
(* search backward *)
NDSolve[{X'[u] == a*X[u] - b*X [u] Y[u] /. ab, Y'[u] == -c*Y[u] + d*X[u] Y[u] /. cd,
X[11] == 45.79, Y[11] == 41.4}, {X[0], Y[0]}, {u, 0, 12}]
It returns {{X[0] -> 10.415, Y[0] -> 102.984}}
Let's see the plot:
(* find solution of x[t], y[t] with NDSolveValue *)
sol = NDSolveValue[{X'[u] == a*X[u] - b*X [u]Y[u] /. ab,Y'[u] == -c*Y[u] + d*X[u]Y[u] /. cd,
X[11] == 45.79, Y[11] == 41.4}, {{u, X[u]}, {u, Y[u]}}, {u, 11, 100}]
(* plot the results *)
Show[{ListPlot[{xdata, ydata}, AxesLabel -> {"time", "value"},
PlotLegends -> {"xdata", "ydata"}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Green}],
ListLinePlot[{Table[sol[[1]], {u, 11, 100, 0.01}], Table[sol[[2]], {u, 11, 100, 0.01}]},
PlotStyle -> {Orange, Blue}, PlotLegends -> {"solution.x", "solution.y"}]}]
It is obvious that scaters at the peaks and valleys are off the curves a little. This implies us that the result is not good enough and there exists improved space of the direct method. Can you image how difficult it would be using FDM when the system of ODEs is of much higher order? We must find out an universal way to solve this kind of problem.
Here we show another way:
{tval, xval, yval} = Transpose[data]; (*extract data*)
{xdata, ydata} = (Transpose[{t, #}]) & /@ {xval, yval }; (*get {t,x} and {t,y} pairs*)
(* define the embeded function with arguments a,b,c,d *)
px[a_?NumberQ, b_?NumberQ, c_?NumberQ, d_?NumberQ] := (modle[a, b, c, d] =
First[x /. NDSolve[{x'[t] == a x[t] - b x[t] y[t], y'[t] == -c y[t] + d x [t] y[t],
x[11] == 45.79, y[11] == 41.70}, x, {t, 10, 100}]]);
FindFit[xdata, px[a, b, c, d][t], {{a, .1}, {b, .1}, {c, .1}, {d, .1}}, t]
py[a_?NumberQ, b_?NumberQ, c_?NumberQ, d_?NumberQ] := (model[a, b, c, d] =
First[x /. NDSolve[{x'[t] == a x[t] - b x[t] y[t], y'[t] == -c y[t] + d x [t] y[t],
x[11] == 45.79, y[11] == 41.70}, y, {t, 10, 100}]]);
FindFit[ydata, py[a, b, c, d][t], {{a, .1}, {b, .1}, {c, .1}, {d, .1}}, t]
Unfortulately, it doesn't work. We need a good initial value for a
, b
, c
, d
, or will fail to do the fitting work. Maybe we could take a chance to get good value with the help of NSolve
or FindInstance
. With data set above, we can get parametersa
by finding a analytic solution(if exists) or simply compute derivatives by difference for substitution into those equations above. $\endgroup${a -> 0.214, b -> 0.00122, c -> 0.105, d -> 0.00095}
. If you solve the system with this parameters and plot it along with the points you have given you will find that on 0-100 it is a very good fit. Initial values are not integers though (x[0]=10.55
), but hey, there could always be a lion with two heads and a gazelle with three legs. $\endgroup$