It is not quite clear to me, what you have in mind and for which purpose. I have a solution for displaying a part of a notebook (the same or another) using a button as follows:
Button["Show it", CreateDocument[
Cell["some explanatory text:", "Text", FontSize -> 20],
Style["\[CapitalPhi]", 30, Italic]],
TraditionalForm[Style[" = ", 30, Italic]],
Style[(\[Phi] \[Tau]^2 \[Nu]^3 \[Omega] \[Theta][
1 - \[Nu] \[Omega]])/(\[Tau]^2 \[Nu]^2 +
2 \[Delta] \[Nu] \[Tau] + \[Omega]^2)^2, Italic,
20]]}]]], TextAlignment -> Center,
ShowStringCharacters -> False]
Cell["some more explanatory text:", "Text", FontSize -> 20],
WindowTitle -> "An expression", WindowSize -> {500, 300},
ShowCellBracket -> False
ImageSize -> Automatic, Background -> Brown,
BaseStyle -> {"GenericButton", Bold}]
This creates a button, which you then copy-paste into a line of the text of your current notebook. Upon pressing it you bring up a notebook that you need to show. Hope it helps.