If one picks the menu option Format->Edit Stylesheet and then one opens the "Default.nb" link, the newly opened notebook has a header that reads "Deafult.nb" style definitions. In one navigates down in the page, that header stays in place. However, none of the header styles defined in Default.nb produce that specific header.
What is the style to produce that type of static header? What are the menu commands (if any) to dock cells?
. $\endgroup$Ctrl+Shit+E
, changed the cell style toDockedCell
, pressedCtrl+Shift+E
again. The cell did change the style but it does not stay docked. On second thought, there must be more to it that changing the style. Somehow, it must be specified to the notebook (Options
maybe). I have edited the question. $\endgroup$DockedCells
has a simplified example and there are some more examples here. $\endgroup$