I'm trying to figure out how to use FindFit
with a multivariable differential equation model and data. I've successfully made it work for the one-variable version of the model by following the example on the Help page:
DNA = 10;
model[ a_?NumberQ, b_?NumberQ, c_?NumberQ, d_?NumberQ, f_?NumberQ,
g_?NumberQ, Km1_?NumberQ, Km2_?NumberQ, Km3_?NumberQ, NTP0_?NumberQ] :=
(model[a, b, c, d, f, g, Km1, Km2, Km3, NTP0] =
First[MG /. NDSolve[{ MG'[t] == a*DNA*NTP[t]/(Km1 + NTP[t]) - b MG[t],
NTP'[t] == -f*a*DNA*NTP[t]/(Km1 + NTP[t]) -
d MG[t] NTP[t]/(Km2 + NTP[t]) - c NTP[t]/(Km3 + NTP[t]),
GFP'[t] == g*d MG[t] NTP[t]/(Km2 + NTP[t]),
NTP[0] == NTP0, MG[0] == 0, GFP[0] == 0},
{MG, NTP, GFP}, {t, 0, 800}, Method -> StiffnessSwitching]]);
fit = FindFit[ data, {model[a, b, c, d, f, g, Km1, Km2, Km3, NTP0][t],
a > 0, b > 0, c > 0, d > 0, f > 0, g > 0,
Km1 > 1000, Km2 > 1000, Km3 > 1000, NTP0 > 100000},
{{a, 6.8}, {b, 0.012}, {c, 247}, {d, 1.54}, {f, 19.6}, {g, 22.2},
{Km1, 352200}, {Km2, 127882}, {Km3, 5134.5}, {NTP0, 611628}}, t]
where the data looks like:
data = {{1.65, 111}, {4.65, 141}, {7.65, 130}, {10.65, 247}, {13.65, 301},
{16.65, 395}, {19.65, 444}, {22.65, 652}, ...};
But now I'd like to do it with DNA
being an additional variable included in the data like:
newdata = {{1.65, 10, 111}, {4.65, 10, 141}, {7.65, 10, 130}, ..., {1.65, 5, -4},
{4.65, 5, 118}, {7.65, 5, 86}, {10.65, 5, 85}, {13.65, 5, 110}, ...};
so that I could fit multiple curves with different values of DNA
simultaneously. I imagine that this is something that's possible, but I'm not sure on the syntax. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
------ EDIT --------
so now I've tried to follow the example that bobthechemist gave on the linked page, but I think I'm getting hung up on the syntax:
model[ c_?NumberQ, d_?NumberQ, f_?NumberQ, Km1_?NumberQ, Km2_?NumberQ, Km3_?NumberQ,
Km4_?NumberQ ][ DNA_?NumberQ, t_?NumberQ] :=
(model[c,d,f, Km1,Km2,Km3,Km4][t,DNA] = First[MG/.ParametricNDSolve[{
NTP'[t,DNA]==-a*f*DNA*NTP[t,DNA]^n/(Km1^n+NTP[t,DNA]^n)-d*MG[t,DNA]NTP[t,DNA]^n/(Km2^n+NTP[t,DNA]^n)-c NTP[t,DNA]^n/(Km3^n+NTP[t,DNA]^n),
fit=FindFit[newdata10,{model[c,d,f, Km1,Km2,Km3,Km4][t,DNA],c>0,0<d,0<f,Km1>100000,Km2>100000,Km3>100000,Km4>100000},{{c,91.0400},{d,8.4986},{f,0.000018697},{Km1,1000100},{Km2,5005020},{Km3,5000150},{Km4,7000000}},{t,DNA},Method->"NMinimize"]
gives a whole bunch of errors. perhaps this kind of problem is a bit beyond someone with my limited grasp of Mathematica syntax
------ EDIT 2 --------
a more complete set of data:
data = {{2.65,5,86}, {5.65,5,85}, {8.65,5,110}, {11.65,5,153}, {14.65,5,187}, {17.65,5,293}, {20.65,5,321}, {23.65,5,320}, {26.65,5,402}, {29.65,5,355}, {32.65,5,593}, {35.65,5,589}, {38.65,5,653}, {41.65,5,687}, {44.65,5,752}, {47.65,5,858}, {50.65,5,882}, {53.65,5,933}, {56.65,5,1033}, {59.65,5,1043}, {62.65,5,1144}, {65.65,5,1178}, {68.65,5,1239}, {71.65,5,1264}, {74.65,5,1317}, {77.65,5,1452}, {80.65,5,1449}, {83.65,5,1465}, {86.65,5,1480}, {89.65,5,1500}, {92.65,5,1529}, {95.65,5,1531}, {98.65,5,1676}, {101.65,5,1626}, {104.65,5,1632}, {107.65,5,1699}, {110.65,5,1560}, {113.65,5,1651}, {116.65,5,1756}, {119.65,5,1767}, {122.65,5,1715}, {125.65,5,1716}, {128.65,5,1715}, {131.65,5,1732}, {134.65,5,1705}, {137.65,5,1740}, {140.65,5,1759}, {143.65,5,1698}, {146.65,5,1653}, {149.65,5,1628}, {152.65,5,1677}, {155.65,5,1711}, {158.65,5,1608}, {161.65,5,1670}, {164.65,5,1481}, {167.65,5,1563}, {170.65,5,1562}, {173.65,5,1588}, {176.65,5,1540}, {179.65,5,1480}, {182.65,5,1462}, {185.65,5,1424}, {188.65,5,1446}, {191.65,5,1412}, {194.65,5,1380}, {197.65,5,1341}, {200.65,5,1338}, {203.65,5,1263}, {206.65,5,1244}, {209.65,5,1237}, {212.65,5,1164}, {215.65,5,1050}, {218.65,5,1109}, {221.65,5,1041}, {224.65,5,1071}, {227.65,5,908}, {230.65,5,940}, {233.65,5,1013}, {236.65,5,913}, {239.65,5,976}, {242.65,5,886}, {245.65,5,847}, {248.65,5,819}, {251.65,5,784}, {254.65,5,818}, {257.65,5,815}, {260.65,5,807}, {263.65,5,704}, {266.65,5,705}, {269.65,5,816}, {272.65,5,758}, {275.65,5,757}, {278.65,5,633}, {281.65,5,708}, {284.65,5,675}, {287.65,5,632}, {290.65,5,617}, {293.65,5,621}, {296.65,5,594}, {299.65,5,558}, {2.65,10,130}, {5.65,10,247}, {8.65,10,301}, {11.65,10,395}, {14.65,10,444}, {17.65,10,652}, {20.65,10,701}, {23.65,10,840}, {26.65,10,922}, {29.65,10,1074}, {32.65,10,1154}, {35.65,10,1209}, {38.65,10,1326}, {41.65,10,1470}, {44.65,10,1628}, {47.65,10,1600}, {50.65,10,1679}, {53.65,10,1759}, {56.65,10,1856}, {59.65,10,1887}, {62.65,10,2057}, {65.65,10,2078}, {68.65,10,2182}, {71.65,10,2128}, {74.65,10,2034}, {77.65,10,2257}, {80.65,10,2337}, {83.65,10,2362}, {86.65,10,2330}, {89.65,10,2423}, {92.65,10,2471}, {95.65,10,2440}, {98.65,10,2388}, {101.65,10,2544}, {104.65,10,2436}, {107.65,10,2538}, {110.65,10,2402}, {113.65,10,2406}, {116.65,10,2423}, {119.65,10,2365}, {122.65,10,2345}, {125.65,10,2391}, {128.65,10,2412}, {131.65,10,2375}, {134.65,10,2309}, {137.65,10,2321}, {140.65,10,2389}, {143.65,10,2212}, {146.65,10,2211}, {149.65,10,2276}, {152.65,10,2188}, {155.65,10,2112}, {158.65,10,2223}, {161.65,10,1980}, {164.65,10,2046}, {167.65,10,2045}, {170.65,10,2022}, {173.65,10,1933}, {176.65,10,1901}, {179.65,10,1925}, {182.65,10,1829}, {185.65,10,1873}, {188.65,10,1840}, {191.65,10,1855}, {194.65,10,1752}, {197.65,10,1682}, {200.65,10,1639}, {203.65,10,1752}, {206.65,10,1784}, {209.65,10,1661}, {212.65,10,1608}, {215.65,10,1563}, {218.65,10,1462}, {221.65,10,1563}, {224.65,10,1543}, {227.65,10,1448}, {230.65,10,1376}, {233.65,10,1384}, {236.65,10,1383}, {239.65,10,1340}, {242.65,10,1263}, {245.65,10,1362}, {248.65,10,1201}, {251.65,10,1206}, {254.65,10,1220}, {257.65,10,1185}, {260.65,10,1164}, {263.65,10,1133}, {266.65,10,1154}, {269.65,10,1115}, {272.65,10,1122}, {275.65,10,1028}, {278.65,10,1049}, {281.65,10,1042}, {284.65,10,960}, {287.65,10,1011}, {290.65,10,940}, {293.65,10,927}, {296.65,10,877}, {299.65,10,888}};
in each triplet of numbers, the first is the time, second is the DNA parameter value, and the third is the value of the function.