
How to simplify my expression to the style of "a+b*I"?

Expand[(E^(I θ) (-1 + E^(I n θ)))/(-1 + E^(I θ))]
-(E^(I θ)/(-1 + E^(I θ))) + E^(I θ + I n θ)/(-1 + E^(I θ))

the result I want to achieve


3 Answers 3


As shown by others, you are looking for a combination of ComplexExpand and Collect. In your case, ComplexExpand does a good job of separating the real and imaginary components of your expression.

enter image description here

In general, you will end up with a number of terms, and you will need to use Collect to merge them together. However, using Collect on I does not usually work

Collect[a I + (1 + I) b, I]
(* I a + (1 + I) b *)

because I is interpreted as Complex[0, 1], so Collect will not break up numbers like 1 + I. So, the most effective method I have found is to replace I with some other symbol, like q.

   ComplexExpand[expr] /. Complex[a_, b_] :> a + q b, 
   q, Simplify
  ] /. q -> I
    Cos[1/2 (1 + n) θ] Csc[θ/2] Sin[(n θ)/2] 
+ I Csc[θ/2] Sin[(n θ)/2] Sin[1/2 (1 + n) θ]

where expr is your expression. Note I set the third argument of Collect to Simplify which reduced the complexity of the real and imaginary parts quite well.


I hope this is what you need:

Collect[Expand[(E^(I \[Theta]) (-1 + E^(I n \[Theta])))/(-1 + 
      E^(I \[Theta]))] // ComplexExpand, I]

enter image description here

exp = Expand[(E^(I \[Theta]) (-1 + E^(I n \[Theta])))/(-1 +E^(I \[Theta]))]

Mathematica graphics

r = Simplify@ComplexExpand@Re@exp + I*Simplify@ComplexExpand@Im@exp

Mathematica graphics

it is now in the form a+I b

{a, b} = First@Cases[r, Plus[a_, I b_] :> {a, b}, {0}];

Mathematica graphics


Mathematica graphics


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