
I have a graph G, and I wish to individually highlight and color the different connected components of a graph. It is simple enough to do this for one component:

HighlightGraph[G, ConnectedComponents[G][[2]]]

But how does one do this for multiple components? I'd ideally like to be able to pass a color string to specify each highlighted component, something like componentColorString = { Blue, Green, Red,...}. Is this possible?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ HighlightGraph[g, Subgraph[g, #] & /@ ConnectedComponents[g]] will highlight all components, each with a different colour. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Sep 9, 2013 at 14:24
  • $\begingroup$ @Szabolcs That's a great command. Can I also specify or randomize the colour each time I run it? $\endgroup$
    – nvori
    Commented Sep 10, 2013 at 5:05

1 Answer 1


You can iterate through the vertex-, and edgelists of connected components:

g = RandomGraph[{15, 20}, DirectedEdges -> True, 
   EdgeStyle -> [email protected], VertexLabels -> "Name", 
   VertexSize -> [email protected], ImageSize -> 300, ImagePadding -> 10];
conn = ConnectedComponents[g]
{nodes, edges} = Transpose[{VertexList@#, EdgeList@#} &@Subgraph[g, #] & /@ conn];

SetProperty[g, {
  VertexStyle -> 
    Join @@ Table[Thread[nodes[[i]] -> Hue[i/Length@nodes]], {i, Length@nodes}],
  EdgeStyle -> 
    Join @@ Table[Thread[edges[[i]] -> Hue[i/Length@edges, 1., .7]], {i, Length@edges}]
 {{1}, {3, 7, 8, 11, 12}, {2}, {13, 14}, {15}, {4, 9}, {6}, {5}, {10}}

enter image description here

The same in a Manipulate, showing one connected subgraph at a time:

 SetProperty[g, {
   VertexStyle -> Thread[nodes[[i]] -> Hue[i/Length@nodes]],
   EdgeStyle -> Thread[edges[[i]] -> Hue[i/Length@edges, 1., .7]],
   PlotLabel -> Row@{"component vertices: ", conn[[i]]}
 {{i, 1, "component #"}, 1, Length@conn, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"}]

enter image description here


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