Consider the following code:
indextype = 1;
indexE = 2;
testcode =
Hold@Compile[{{data, _Real, 2}, {Nsampled, _Integer}},
Module[{n1 = 0, n2 = 0, len = Length[data], datanew1,
type1 = 1., type2 = 0., e1 = 0., e2 = 0.},
datanew1 = data;
(*Indices of particles forming a random pair*)
n1 = RandomInteger[{1, len}];
n2 = n1;
While[n2 == n1, n2 = RandomInteger[{1, len}]];
(*Extracting types of particles*)
type1 = (2 RandomInteger[{0, 1}] - 1)*
If[n1 <= len/2,(*datanew1[[n1,indextype]]*)
Compile`GetElement[datanew1, n1, indextype], 4.];
type2 = (2 RandomInteger[{0, 1}] - 1)*
If[n2 <= len/2,(*datanew1[[n2,indextype]]*)
Compile`GetElement[datanew1, n2, indextype], 4.];
e1 = Compile`GetElement[datanew1, n1, indexE];
e2 = Compile`GetElement[datanew1, n2, indexE];
(*If e1, e2, type1, type2 satisfy some rare condition,
proceed to the rest of the code, modify datanew1, etc.*)
, {i, 1, Nsampled, 1}];
], CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"] /.
OwnValues@indextype /. OwnValues@indexE // ReleaseHold;
It iteratively extracts the components of the two rows of data
, and then is supposed to perform some operation in a very rare case when the components satisfy some condition. The operation will then modify data
(this is why I have made its copy called datanew1
), including changing its size.
It turns out that for my study, the main timing of the routine is due to this do-nothing extraction - it is 95% or so. I provide the relevant toy dataset example below:
npts = 3000;
ncells = 10^3;
data = Table[RandomReal[{0, 1}, {npts, 2}], ncells];
ParallelMap[testcode[#, 0.1*npts^2/2] &, data]; // RepeatedTiming
I cannot change the amount of the do-nothing extraction. Because of this, I am interested in increasing the speed of this extraction.
Is it possible to do it somehow in Mathematica? Or (this is to C++ experts), maybe it may make sense to do it in C++ and then use LibraryLink?
I am simulating the dynamics of some physical system made of particles. I represent each particle by a row of a table. I split the system into sub-systems (this is what each element of data
means, with each row characterizing a particle). The dynamics are via binary interactions between particles. First, I randomly select a pair of particles and extract their properties (this is what the code above does). Second, I compute some conditions, and if they are satisfied, I simulate the interactions and modify the initial table by modifying, deleting, or adding the two rows of data
(in practice, I pre-allocate the large storage of data and do not delete/add rows but rather move them from active
to inactive
rows or vice versa).
, for details see my answer below. $\endgroup$