I'm working on a complex question that asks that I determine a function that maps the complement of the region $D=\{z:|z+1|\le 1\}\cup\{z: |z-1|\le 1\}$ onto the upper half plane. That is, $f$ must map the region $C\backslash D$ onto the upper half plane. Here is my proposed answer: $$f(z)=e^{\pi(z+2)(-1+i)/(2z(1+i))}$$
And my code for the function and the region $C\backslash D$:
f = Function[z, Exp[Pi/2*(z + 2)*(-1 + I)/(z*(1 + I))]]
RegionPlot[(x + 1)^2 + y^2 > 1 && (x - 1)^2 + y^2 > 1, {x, -3,
3}, {y, -3, 3}]
If someone has a little time, could you maybe provide an easy way of shading the image of region $C\backslash D$ under the function $f$?