I'm trying to simplify an expression with complex coefficients. It should be very straightforward, but for some reason, I cannot get the correct answer. Please, see the code below:
Simplify[\[Gamma]0[0] == Re[(0.5852908990577314` + 1.831942535298071` I)*\[Gamma]0[
1] + (0.25530515981369933` + 0.6158107565352037` I)*\[Gamma]0[
3]], {Element[\[Gamma]0[1], Reals],
Element[\[Gamma]0[3], Reals]}]
It should return
0.585291\[Gamma]0[1] + 0.255305\[Gamma]0[3] == \[Gamma]0[0]
But returns
Re[(0.585291 + 1.83194 I) \[Gamma]0[
1] + (0.255305 + 0.615811 I) \[Gamma]0[3]] == \[Gamma]0[0]
Can't really find my error. Thank you for your help!