Solutions to Hundred-dollar, Hundred-digit Challenge problems can be found easily:
I'm trying to solve the 7th problem:
Let A be the 20000×20000 matrix whose entries are zero everywhere except for the primes 2, 3, 5, 7, ..., 224737 along the main diagonal and the number 1 in all the positions ${\displaystyle a_{ij}}$ with ${\displaystyle |i-j|=1,2,4,8,\dots ,16384}$. What is the (1, 1) entry of ${\displaystyle A^{-1}}$ ?
Below is my attempt:
matrixSize = 20;
(*Generate the prime numbers along the diagonal*)
primes = Prime[Range[1, matrixSize]];
(*Create a sparse diagonal matrix with the primes on the diagonal*)
A = SparseArray[Band[{1, 1}] -> primes, {matrixSize, matrixSize}];
(*Create the off-diagonal elements with 1s*)
kSet = Table[2^m, {m, 0, Floor[Log[2, matrixSize - 1]]}];
offDiagonals =
Flatten[Table[{Band[{1 + k, 1}] -> 1, Band[{1, 1 + k}] -> 1}, {k,
(*Add the off-diagonal elements to the matrix*)
A = A + SparseArray[offDiagonals, {matrixSize, matrixSize}];
(A = Normal@A) // MatrixForm
(*Compute the inverse of the matrix A*)
Ainv = Inverse[A, Method -> "DivisionFreeRowReduction"];
(*Extract the (1,1) entry of the inverse matrix*)
Ainv[[1, 1]]
How to get InverseMatrix for large size Matrix (e.g., 20000) in Mathematica?
Any more effective method? Like Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) (LAPACK: GESVD)?
- Strassen's Algorithm (and related fast matrix multiplication methods)
- Blocked LU Decomposition with Partial Pivoting
- Cholesky Decomposition (for positive definite matrices)
- Iterative Methods (for large, sparse matrices)
- Approximate Methods (for very large matrices)
- Parallel and GPU-based Implementations
- Sparse Inverse Methods