For the expressions $f(r)=1-1/r$; $V(r)=f(r)*(2/r^2)$; $dr_*=1/f(r)dr$. I want to obtain the image of $V(r_*)$ as a function of $r_*$. One of my attempts is as follows:
f[r_] = 1 - 1/r;
rstar[r_] = Integrate[1/f[r], r];
V[r_] = f[r]*2/r^2;
Vs[r_] = V@InverseFunction[rstar][r];
Plot[Vs[r], {r, -80, 80}, PlotRange -> All]
Finally, images of them can be obtained as follows, . But how to implement it using numerical integration, ie. Command of NIntegrate[]. In other words, how to numerically integrate r* and then draw the image of $V(r_*)$ like the previous. This is because not all f(r) can be directly calculated using the inverse function.
I would appreciate it if one could sort it out. Thank you!