I'm a bit buffled by how terribly slow this is:
Table[Integrate[1/x^(n/2), {x, 2 a, b + c}, Assumptions -> 0 < 2 a < b + c], {n, 1, 20}]; // AbsoluteTiming
{8.9362, Null}
In contrast, without the bounds I get:
Table[Integrate[1/x^(n/2), x], {n, 1, 20}]; // AbsoluteTiming
{0.0106568, Null}
Why is the first way so slow and how can I speed it up? Of course I can resort to doing it manually, but I was looking for a built-in solution.
myIntegrate[f_, var_, min_, max_] :=
With[{F = Integrate[f, var]}, (F /. var -> max) - (F /. var -> min)]
Table[myIntegrate[1/x^(n/2), x, 2 a, b + c], {n, 1, 20}]; // AbsoluteTiming
{0.0121743, Null}