
I have an expression for E_y in terms of various s terms, and I want to perform a series expansion based on the assumption that cross terms (like s12) are much smaller than the diagonal terms (like s33).

An example of an expression I am working with is: $ E_y = \frac{E_x (s13 s23 - s12 s33)}{-s23^2 + s22 s33} $

My goal is to expand this expression in a series where the cross terms (s12, s13, s23) are considered small compared to the diagonal terms (s22, s33).

Here is my attempt using the Series function in Mathematica:

(* Define the expression for Ey *)
expr = (Ex (s13 s23 - s12 s33))/(-s23^2 + s22 s33);

(* Perform the series expansion *)
expandedExpr = Series[
  {s12, 0, 1}, 
  {s13, 0, 1}, 
  {s23, 0, 1}

(* Simplify the resulting series *)
simplifiedExpr = Normal[expandedExpr] // Simplify;

(* Output the simplified expanded expression *)

However, this approach does not correctly recognize that terms like s12 s23 are smaller compared to terms like s12 s33. The Series function expands each term independently, but I need a way to account for the relative smallness of the cross terms in the expansion.


How can I properly perform a series expansion in Mathematica that takes into account the fact that cross terms (s12, s13, s23) are much smaller compared to diagonal terms (s22, s33)?


3 Answers 3


Let us introduce an extra (small) parameter t and rescale the cross-term parameters by the factor of t:

expr=(Ex (s13 s23-s12 s33))/(-s23^2+s22 s33);
rescaling=(#->t #)&/@crossterms

(* {s13->s13 t,s23->s23 t,s12->s12 t} *)


series in t

You can use SeriesCoefficient to pick coefficients.


Similar to @A.Kato's solution but with auto-discovery of variables:

expr = (Ex (s13 s23 - s12 s33))/(-s23^2 + s22 s33);

Look for diagonal variables:

diag = Select[Variables[expr], StringMatchQ[ToString[#],
       "s" ~~ x : DigitCharacter ~~ x : DigitCharacter] &]
(*    {s33, s22}    *)

Substitute a scaling factor:

rescaling = (# -> t #) & /@ diag
(*    {s33 -> s33 t, s22 -> s22 t}    *)

Series-expand for large $t$:

Series[expr /. rescaling, {t, ∞, 3}]

enter image description here


You can use the resource function MultivariateTaylorPolynomial with the "Weights" option. Variables with larger weights get removed at lower degrees.


expr = (Ex (s13 s23 - s12 s33))/(-s23^2 + s22 s33);
ResourceFunction["MultivariateTaylorPolynomial"][expr, {s12, s13, s23,
   s22, s33}, 4, "Weights" -> {2, 2, 2, 1, 1}]

(* Out[161]= -((Ex s12)/s22) + (Ex s13 s23^3)/(s22^2 s33^2) + (
 Ex s13 s23)/(s22 s33) - (Ex s12 s23^2)/(s22^2 s33) *)

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