Ref code
My implementation
Are there some mistakes in my Mathematica code? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Attempt Version 1 (❌)
(*Function definitions*)
compMultiFoxH[params_, nsubdivisions_, boundaryTol_ : 0.0001] :=
Module[{boundaries, dim, signs, inputs, code, quad, volume},
boundaries = detBoundaries[params, boundaryTol];
Print["boundaries=", boundaries];
dim = Length[boundaries];
signs = Tuples[{-1, 1}, dim];
code = Tuples[Range[0, Floor[nsubdivisions/2] - 1], dim];
quad = 0;
Do[Module[{points, integrandVals},
points = signs[[i]] (code + 0.5) (boundaries*2/nsubdivisions);
integrandVals = compMultiFoxHIntegrand[points, params];
quad += Total[integrandVals];], {i, 1, Length[signs]}];
volume = Times @@ (2*boundaries/nsubdivisions);
detBoundaries[params_, tol_] :=
Module[{boundaryRange, dims, boundaries, points, absIntegrand,
index}, boundaryRange = Range[0, 50, 0.05];
dims = Length[params[[1]]];
boundaries = ConstantArray[0, dims];
Do[points = ConstantArray[0, {Length[boundaryRange], dims}];
points[[All, dimL]] = boundaryRange;
absIntegrand = Abs[compMultiFoxHIntegrand[points, params]];
index =
Position[absIntegrand, _?(# > tol*absIntegrand[[1]] &), {1},
Heads -> False]]];
boundaries[[dimL]] = boundaryRange[[index]];, {dimL, 1, dims}];
compMultiFoxHIntegrand[y_, params_] :=
Module[{z, mn, pq, c, d, a, b, m, n, p, q, npoints, dims, s, lower,
upper, mindist, sigs, num, cnorm, newdist, s1, prodGamNum,
prodGamDenom, zs}, {z, mn, pq, c, d, a, b} = params;
m = mn[[All, 1]];
n = mn[[All, 2]];
p = pq[[All, 1]];
q = pq[[All, 2]];
npoints = Length[y];
dims = Length[First[y]];
s = I y;
lower = ConstantArray[0, dims];
upper = ConstantArray[0, dims];
Do[If[b[[dimL]] =!= {},
Module[{bj, Bj}, bj = b[[dimL, All, 1]][[;; m[[dimL + 1]]]];
Bj = b[[dimL, All, 2]][[;; m[[dimL + 1]]]];
lower[[dimL]] = -Min[bj/Bj];], lower[[dimL]] = -100];
If[a[[dimL]] =!= {},
Module[{aj, Aj}, aj = a[[dimL, All, 1]][[;; n[[dimL + 1]]]];
Aj = a[[dimL, All, 2]][[;; n[[dimL + 1]]]];
upper[[dimL]] = Min[(1 - aj)/Aj];], upper[[dimL]] = 1];, {dimL,
1, dims}];
mindist = Norm[upper - lower];
sigs = 0.5 (upper + lower);
Do[num = 1 - c[[j, 1]] - Total[c[[j, 2 ;;]] lower];
cnorm = Norm[c[[j, 2 ;;]]];
newdist = Abs[num]/(cnorm + $MachineEpsilon);
If[newdist < mindist, mindist = newdist;
sigs = lower + 0.5 num c[[j, 2 ;;]]/(cnorm^2);], {j, 1, n[[1]]}];
s = s + sigs;
s1 = Join[ConstantArray[1, {npoints, 1}], s, 2];
prodGamNum = 1 + 0 I;
prodGamDenom = 1 + 0 I;
Do[prodGamNum *= Gamma[(1 - s1 . c[[j]])];, {j, 1, n[[1]]}];
Do[prodGamDenom *= Gamma[(1 - s1 . d[[j]])];, {j, 1, q[[1]]}];
Do[prodGamDenom *= Gamma[(s1 . c[[j]])];, {j, n[[1]] + 1, p[[1]]}];
Do[Do[prodGamNum *=
Gamma[(1 - a[[dimL, j, 1]] -
a[[dimL, j, 2]] s[[All, dimL]])];, {j, 1, n[[dimL + 1]]}];
Do[prodGamNum *=
Gamma[(b[[dimL, j, 1]] + b[[dimL, j, 2]] s[[All, dimL]])];, {j,
1, m[[dimL + 1]]}];
Do[prodGamDenom *=
Gamma[(a[[dimL, j, 1]] + a[[dimL, j, 2]] s[[All, dimL]])];, {j,
n[[dimL + 1]] + 1, p[[dimL + 1]]}];
Do[prodGamDenom *=
Gamma[(1 - b[[dimL, j, 1]] -
b[[dimL, j, 2]] s[[All, dimL]])];, {j, m[[dimL + 1]] + 1,
q[[dimL + 1]]}];, {dimL, 1, dims}];
zs = z^-s;
(prodGamNum/prodGamDenom) Product[zs, {2}]/(2 Pi)^dims // N]
(*Example usage*)
params1 = {{16.2982237081499, 16.2982237081499, 16.2982237081499,
16.2982237081499}, {{0, 0}, {2, 1}, {2, 1}, {2, 1}, {2, 1}}, {{0,
1}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}}, {}, {0, 1, 1, 1,
1}, {{{1, 2}}, {{1, 2}}, {{1, 2}}, {{1, 2}}}, {{{1,
0.6666666666666666}, {3.5, 0.5}}, {{1,
0.6666666666666666}, {3.5, 0.5}}, {{1,
0.6666666666666666}, {3.5, 0.5}}, {{1,
0.6666666666666666}, {3.5, 0.5}}}};
result = compMultiFoxH[params1, 20];
Attempt Version 2 (❌)
(*Define functions for gamma product \
gammaProdNum[s1_, c_, n_] :=
Times @@ (Gamma[1 - c[[#]] . s1] & /@ Range[n[[1]]])
gammaProdDenom[s1_, c_, p_, q_] :=
Times @@ (Gamma[1 - c[[#]] . s1] & /@ Range[q[[1]]])*
Times @@ (Gamma[c[[#]] . s1] & /@ Range[n[[1]] + 1, p[[1]]])
(*Compute boundaries*)
detBoundaries[params_, tol_] :=
Module[{boundaryRange, dims, boundaries, points, absIntegrand,
index}, boundaryRange = Range[0, 50, 0.05];
dims = Length[params[[1]]];
boundaries = ConstantArray[0, dims];
Do[points = ConstantArray[0, {Length[boundaryRange], dims}];
points[[All, dimL]] = boundaryRange;
absIntegrand = Abs[compMultiFoxHIntegrand[points, params]];
index =
UnitStep[absIntegrand - tol*First[absIntegrand]], 1][[1]] - 1];
boundaries[[dimL]] = boundaryRange[[index]];, {dimL, dims}];
(*Compute complex integrand of the multivariate Fox-H function*)
compMultiFoxHIntegrand[y_, params_] :=
Module[{z, mn, pq, c, d, a, b, m, n, p, q, s, lower, upper, dims, s1,
prodGamNum, prodGamDenom, zs, result}, {z, mn, pq, c, d, a, b} =
{m, n} = Transpose[mn];
{p, q} = Transpose[pq];
{npoints, dims} = Dimensions[y];
s = I*y;
lower = ConstantArray[0, dims];
upper = ConstantArray[0, dims];
Do[If[Length[b[[dimL]]] > 0,
lower[[dimL]] = -Min[b[[dimL, All, 1]]/b[[dimL, All, 2]]],
lower[[dimL]] = -100];
If[Length[a[[dimL]]] > 0,
upper[[dimL]] = Min[(1 - a[[dimL, All, 1]])/a[[dimL, All, 2]]],
upper[[dimL]] = 1];, {dimL, dims}];
mindist = Norm[upper - lower];
sigs = 0.5*(upper + lower);
Do[num = 1 - c[[j, 1]] - Total[c[[j, 2 ;;]]*lower];
cnorm = Norm[c[[j, 2 ;;]]];
newdist = Abs[num]/(cnorm + $MachineEpsilon);
If[newdist < mindist, mindist = newdist;
sigs = lower + 0.5*num*c[[j, 2 ;;]]/(cnorm*cnorm)];, {j,
s += sigs;
s1 = Transpose[Prepend[Transpose[s], ConstantArray[1, npoints]]];
prodGamNum = gammaProdNum[s1, c, n];
prodGamDenom = gammaProdDenom[s1, c, p, q];
Do[Do[prodGamNum *=
Gamma[1 - a[[dimL, j, 1]] -
a[[dimL, j, 2]]*s[[All, dimL]]];, {j, n[[dimL + 1]]}];
Do[prodGamNum *=
Gamma[b[[dimL, j, 1]] + b[[dimL, j, 2]]*s[[All, dimL]]];, {j,
m[[dimL + 1]]}];
Do[prodGamDenom *=
Gamma[a[[dimL, j, 1]] + a[[dimL, j, 2]]*s[[All, dimL]]];, {j,
n[[dimL + 1]] + 1, p[[dimL + 1]]}];
Do[prodGamDenom *=
Gamma[1 - b[[dimL, j, 1]] -
b[[dimL, j, 2]]*s[[All, dimL]]];, {j, m[[dimL + 1]] + 1,
q[[dimL + 1]]}];, {dimL, dims}];
zs = z^-s;
result = (prodGamNum/prodGamDenom)*Apply[Times, zs, {1}]/(2*Pi)^dims;
(*Compute multivariate Fox-H function*)
compMultiFoxH[params_, nsubdivisions_, boundaryTol_ : 0.0001] :=
Module[{boundaries, dim, signs, code, quad, points, volume, result},
boundaries = detBoundaries[params, boundaryTol];
dim = Length[boundaries];
signs = Tuples[{1, -1}, dim];
code = Tuples[Range[0, Floor[nsubdivisions/2] - 1], dim];
quad = 0;
Do[points =
DiagonalMatrix[sign]*((code + 0.5)*boundaries*2/nsubdivisions);
quad += Total[Re[compMultiFoxHIntegrand[points, params]]];, {sign,
volume = Apply[Times, 2*boundaries/nsubdivisions];
result = quad*volume;
(*Example usage*)
params1 = {{16.2982237081499, 16.2982237081499, 16.2982237081499,
16.2982237081499}, {{0, 0}, {2, 1}, {2, 1}, {2, 1}, {2, 1}}, {{0,
1}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}}, {}, {{0, 1, 1, 1,
1}}, {{{1, 2}}, {{1, 2}}, {{1, 2}}, {{1, 2}}}, {{{1,
0.6666666666666666}, {3.5, 0.5}}, {{1,
0.6666666666666666}, {3.5, 0.5}}, {{1,
0.6666666666666666}, {3.5, 0.5}}, {{1,
0.6666666666666666}, {3.5, 0.5}}}};
Print[compMultiFoxH[params1, 20]]