
I have a circular image (below) and would like to obtain a Voronoi mesh.

enter image description here

I am able to obtain the centers of the cells inside the image as

cells = WatershedComponents[image];
centers00 = ComponentMeasurements[cells, "Centroid"];
centers0 = centers00[[All, 2]] pixel;

I have tried many things (ie intersection, bounding, ...) but no one works fine. Any ideas?


3 Answers 3


As I stated in your previous question, you should use EdgeFilter then measure the centroids:

image = Import["https://i.sstatic.net/2fjQth5M.png"];
edge = EdgeDetect[image, 2];
centers = ComponentMeasurements[edge, "Centroid"] // Values;

 HighlightImage[image, Point@centers, ImageSize -> 400]

enter image description here

And now create the clipped Voroni Mesh:

imgBounds = Transpose[{{0, 0}, ImageDimensions[image]}];
vm = VoronoiMesh[centers, imgBounds, 
   MeshCellStyle -> {{2, All} -> Black, {1, All} -> White}]

enter image description here

You can also convert this back to an image, and multiply by the circle part of the image to see how well it lines up. I have to delete the white border around the Voroni Mesh in order for this to line up:

scene = Image@Show[vm, Graphics[{Magenta, Point[centers]}]];

(*get rid of white border*)
blackPix = ImageValuePositions[scene, Black];
bounds = MinMax /@ (Transpose[blackPix]);
argTake = Join[{scene}, Reverse@bounds];
scene = ImageTake @@ argTake;

(*rescale to image size*)
scene = ImageResize[scene, ImageDimensions[image]];

circ = Binarize[image, 0.99] // ColorNegate;
ImageMultiply[scene, circ] + ColorNegate[circ]

![![![enter image description here

And we see the Voroni Mesh looks pretty comparable to the original image.

If you want to keep using your method, you can use WatershedComponents, but you need to delete all the small, noisy watersheds outside of the circle:

cells = WatershedComponents[image];
cellImg = cells // Colorize

enter image description here

This can be accomplished with DeleteSmallComponents:

minSize = 100;
newCells = DeleteSmallComponents[cellImg, minSize]

enter image description here

And now measure the centroids and highlight:

centers00 = ComponentMeasurements[newCells, "Centroid"];
centers0 = centers00[[All, 2]] ;
HighlightImage[image, Point@centers0]

enter image description here

And apply the same method as before for creating the clipped Voroni Mesh, turning it into an image, and looking at the circular part:

vm = VoronoiMesh[centers0, imgBounds, 
   MeshCellStyle -> {{2, All} -> Black, {1, All} -> White}];
scene = Image@Show[vm, Graphics[{Magenta, Point[centers0]}]];

(*get rid of white border*)
blackPix = ImageValuePositions[scene, Black];
bounds = MinMax /@ (Transpose[blackPix]);
argTake = Join[{scene}, Reverse@bounds];
scene = ImageTake @@ argTake;

(*rescale to image size*)
scene = ImageResize[scene, ImageDimensions[image]];

circ = Binarize[image, 0.99] // ColorNegate;
ImageMultiply[scene, circ] + ColorNegate[circ]

![![enter image description here



enter image description here

Crop as needed.


See neat example of resource function HyperbolicDistance

The following is a cut down version using Beltrami model and metric just to show (not as good as neat example). Credit to the resource function.

h = ResourceFunction["HyperbolicDistance"];
r = RandomPoint[Disk[], 20];
nf = Nearest[r -> "Distance", 
  DistanceFunction -> (h[#1, #2, "Beltrami"] &)];
func[{x_, y_}] := 
 Module[{d = nf[{x, y}, 2], t}, 
  t = 1 - Clip[Rescale[d[[1]], {-6, 6}, {0, 1}]];
  Max[t, d[[1]]/d[[2]]]];
DensityPlot[func[{x, y}], {x, y} \[Element] Disk[{0, 0}, 0.99], 
 Epilog -> {White, Point[r]}, PlotPoints -> 50]

20 random points in unit disk. The following gif is ten examples:

enter image description here


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