As I stated in your previous question, you should use EdgeFilter
then measure the centroids:
image = Import[""];
edge = EdgeDetect[image, 2];
centers = ComponentMeasurements[edge, "Centroid"] // Values;
HighlightImage[image, Point@centers, ImageSize -> 400]
And now create the clipped Voroni Mesh:
imgBounds = Transpose[{{0, 0}, ImageDimensions[image]}];
vm = VoronoiMesh[centers, imgBounds,
MeshCellStyle -> {{2, All} -> Black, {1, All} -> White}]
You can also convert this back to an image, and multiply by the circle part of the image to see how well it lines up. I have to delete the white border around the Voroni Mesh in order for this to line up:
scene = Image@Show[vm, Graphics[{Magenta, Point[centers]}]];
(*get rid of white border*)
blackPix = ImageValuePositions[scene, Black];
bounds = MinMax /@ (Transpose[blackPix]);
argTake = Join[{scene}, Reverse@bounds];
scene = ImageTake @@ argTake;
(*rescale to image size*)
scene = ImageResize[scene, ImageDimensions[image]];
circ = Binarize[image, 0.99] // ColorNegate;
ImageMultiply[scene, circ] + ColorNegate[circ]
And we see the Voroni Mesh looks pretty comparable to the original image.
If you want to keep using your method, you can use WatershedComponents
, but you need to delete all the small, noisy watersheds outside of the circle:
cells = WatershedComponents[image];
cellImg = cells // Colorize
This can be accomplished with DeleteSmallComponents
minSize = 100;
newCells = DeleteSmallComponents[cellImg, minSize]
And now measure the centroids and highlight:
centers00 = ComponentMeasurements[newCells, "Centroid"];
centers0 = centers00[[All, 2]] ;
HighlightImage[image, Point@centers0]
And apply the same method as before for creating the clipped Voroni Mesh, turning it into an image, and looking at the circular part:
vm = VoronoiMesh[centers0, imgBounds,
MeshCellStyle -> {{2, All} -> Black, {1, All} -> White}];
scene = Image@Show[vm, Graphics[{Magenta, Point[centers0]}]];
(*get rid of white border*)
blackPix = ImageValuePositions[scene, Black];
bounds = MinMax /@ (Transpose[blackPix]);
argTake = Join[{scene}, Reverse@bounds];
scene = ImageTake @@ argTake;
(*rescale to image size*)
scene = ImageResize[scene, ImageDimensions[image]];
circ = Binarize[image, 0.99] // ColorNegate;
ImageMultiply[scene, circ] + ColorNegate[circ]
and crop it on disk.g=Graphics[{Opacity[.5],LightGray,Disk[{0,0},1]}]; pts=RandomReal[{-1,1},{25,2}]; Show[VoronoiMesh[pts],g]