
Namely, we want to find the explicit formula of PDF of double Generalized Gamma distribution.

 , {
     x \[Distributed]  GammaDistribution[φ1,(Ω1/φ1)^(1/k1), k1, 0], 
     y \[Distributed]  GammaDistribution[φ2,(Ω2/φ2)^(1/k2), k2, 0]
] // PDF[#, t] &
pdfx = (E^(-((x^k1 φ1)/Ω1))  k1 x^(-1 +  k1 φ1) (φ1/Ω1)^φ1) /Gamma[φ1]

pdfy = (E^(-((y^k2  φ2)/Ω2)) k2  y^(-1 + k2  φ2)  (φ2/Ω2)^φ2)/Gamma[φ2] /. {y -> z/x};

   {k1 > 0, φ1 > 0, Ω1 > 0}, 
      , {x, 0, Infinity}
      , PrincipalValue -> True

None of them can produce explicit result.

The expected result is (I have VERIFIED some test cases under some parameter settings, it's true):

$$ f_T(t)=\frac{k_2 \alpha \beta^{\varphi_1-1 / 2} \alpha^{\varphi_2-1 / 2}(2 \pi)^{1-(\alpha+\beta) / 2}}{t \Gamma\left(\varphi_1\right) \Gamma\left(\varphi_2\right)} \times G_{q, 0}^{0, q}\left[\left.\frac{\alpha^\alpha \beta^\beta \Omega_1^\beta \Omega_2^\alpha}{t^{k_2 \alpha} \varphi_1^\beta \varphi_2^\alpha} \right\rvert\, \begin{array}{c} \Delta(\beta,1-\varphi_1),\Delta(\alpha,1-\varphi_2) & - \\ - & - \end{array}\right] $$

Where $q=\alpha+\beta$, $\alpha,\beta \in \mathbb{N}^+$ and $\alpha/\beta=k_1/k_2$; $\Delta(m, n) \triangleq \frac{n}{m}, \frac{n+1}{m}, \cdots, \frac{n+m-1}{m}$

MyDeltaSign[m_Integer /; (m > 0), n_] := 
 Table[(n + j)/m, {j, 0, m - 1}]
{\[Alpha], \[Beta]} = Rationalize[k1/k2] // NumeratorDenominator
k2*\[Alpha]*\[Beta]^(\[CurlyPhi]1 - 1/2)*\[Alpha]^(\[CurlyPhi]2 - 
      1/2)*(2*Pi)^(1 - (\[Alpha] + \[Beta])/2)/(t*Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]1]*
   MeijerG[{MyDeltaSign[\[Beta], 1 - \[CurlyPhi]1]~Join~
       1 - \[CurlyPhi]2], {}}, {{}, {}}, (\[Alpha]^\[Alpha]*\[Beta]^\

enter image description here

Rewrite the above integral expression in FoxH: (firsly replace /. {x :> \[Tau]^(1/k1)}, then using formula ( from MeijerG.pdf)

k2 (\[CurlyPhi]1/\[CapitalOmega]1)^(1/k1) (\[CurlyPhi]2/\[CapitalOmega]2)^(1/k2) Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]1] Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]2]*FoxH[
(*Upper List*){
    (*Upper Front list*){{1-(-(1/k1)+\[CurlyPhi]1), -k2/k1}},
    (*Upper Rear List*){}
(*Lower List*){
    (*Lower Front List*){{-(1/k2)+\[CurlyPhi]2, 1}},
    (*Lower Rear List*){}
(t^k2 \[CurlyPhi]2 (\[CurlyPhi]1/\[CapitalOmega]1)^(k2/k1))/\[CapitalOmega]2]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Making your code readable helps people understand what you are trying to do. Please elaborate on what you mean by "None of them work.". What is varI? $\endgroup$
    – rhermans
    Commented Jun 4 at 9:17
  • $\begingroup$ The reference you cite states the steps taken (in words rather than explicit mathematical steps) to obtain the pdf. One of the steps consists of a change in variables. Maybe the experimental function IntegrateChangeVarianbles might help. $\endgroup$
    – JimB
    Commented Jun 5 at 3:06

2 Answers 2


Even for concrete values of parameters the result is in terms of MeijerG:

\[CurlyPhi]1 = 1; \[CurlyPhi]2 = 2; k1 = 1; k2 = 2; \[CapitalOmega]1 
= 3; \[CapitalOmega]2 = 4; pr = TransformedDistribution[x*y, 
{x \[Distributed]GammaDistribution[\[CurlyPhi]1,(\[CapitalOmega]1/\[CurlyPhi]1)^(1/k1), k1, 0], 
y \[Distributed]GammaDistribution[\[CurlyPhi]2,(\[CapitalOmega]2/\[CurlyPhi]2)^(1/k2), k2, 0]}] ;
PDF[pr, t]

Piecewise[ {{(t^3*MeijerG[{{}, {}}, {{-3/2, -1, 0}, {}}, t^2/72])/ (2592*Sqrt[Pi]), t > 0}}, 0]


If we help Mathematica a little, we will achieve the goal and obtain the solution to this integral.

I use Mathematica version 13.3, because version 14.0 have some Bugs in FunctionExpand to calculate a numeric values FoxH function see here and here

You want calculate this integral:

$$\int_0^{\infty } \frac{e^{-\frac{x^{\text{k1}} \text{$\varphi $1}}{\text{$\Omega $1}}-\frac{\left(\frac{t}{x}\right)^{\text{k2}} \text{$\varphi $2}}{\text{$\Omega $2}}} \text{k1} \text{k2} x^{-2+\text{k1} \text{$\varphi $1}} \left(\frac{t}{x}\right)^{-1+\text{k2} \text{$\varphi $2}} \left(\frac{\text{$\varphi $1}}{\text{$\Omega $1}}\right)^{\text{$\varphi $1}} \left(\frac{\text{$\varphi $2}}{\text{$\Omega $2}}\right)^{\text{$\varphi $2}} \Gamma (\text{$\varphi $1})}{\Gamma (\text{$\varphi $2})} \, dx$$

Using Mellin Transform and Inverse Mellin Transform then:

(*"13.3.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (June 3, 2023)"*)

F1 = MellinTransform[(E^(-A*(x^k1 \[CurlyPhi]1)/\[CapitalOmega]1 - (
 t^k2 x^-k2 \[CurlyPhi]2)/\[CapitalOmega]2)
 k1 k2 t^(-1 + k2 \[CurlyPhi]2)
 x^(-1 + k1 \[CurlyPhi]1 - 
 k2 \[CurlyPhi]2) \[CurlyPhi]1^\[CurlyPhi]1 \[CurlyPhi]2^\
 \[CurlyPhi]2 \[CapitalOmega]1^-\[CurlyPhi]1 \[CapitalOmega]2^-\
 \[CurlyPhi]2 Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]1])/Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]2], A, s] // 
 PowerExpand(*Where: A=1*)

 (*(E^(-((t^k2 x^-k2 \[CurlyPhi]2)/\[CapitalOmega]2)) k1 k2 t^(-1 + 
 k2 \[CurlyPhi]2) x^(-1 - k1 s + k1 \[CurlyPhi]1 - 
 k2 \[CurlyPhi]2) \[CurlyPhi]1^(-s + \[CurlyPhi]1) \[CurlyPhi]2^\
 \[CurlyPhi]2 \[CapitalOmega]1^(
 s - \[CurlyPhi]1) \[CapitalOmega]2^-\[CurlyPhi]2 Gamma[s] Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]1])/Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]2]*)

 F2 = Integrate[F1, {x, 0, \[Infinity]}, Assumptions -> {\[CapitalOmega]2 > 0, \[CapitalOmega]1 > 0, k1 > 0, 
 k2 > 0, \[CurlyPhi]1 > 0, \[CurlyPhi]2 > 0, t > 0}]

 (*ConditionalExpression[(k1 t^(-1 + 
 k2 \[CurlyPhi]2) (\[CurlyPhi]1/\[CapitalOmega]1)^(-s + \
 \[CurlyPhi]1) (\[CurlyPhi]2/\[CapitalOmega]2)^\[CurlyPhi]2 ((
 t^k2 \[CurlyPhi]2)/\[CapitalOmega]2)^(-((
 k1 s - k1 \[CurlyPhi]1 + k2 \[CurlyPhi]2)/k2))
 Gamma[s] Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]1] Gamma[(k1 (s - \[CurlyPhi]1))/
 k2 + \[CurlyPhi]2])/Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]2], 
 k1 \[CurlyPhi]1 < k2 \[CurlyPhi]2 + k1 Re[s]]*)

 InverseMellinTransform[F2[[1]], s, A] /. A -> 1(*Can't compute.Probably in newer version like 14.1 can computed*)

Using another method to compute Inverse Mellin Transform:

 Sum[Assuming[m \[Element] Integers && m >= 0, 
 Residue[F2[[1]]*A^(-s) /. A -> 1, {s, -m}]], {m, 0, 
 Infinity}](*Can't compute.Probably in newer version like 14.1 I hope can computed*)

$\sum _{m=0}^{\infty } \frac{(-1)^m \text{k1} t^{-1+\text{k2} \text{$\varphi $2}} \left(\frac{\text{$\varphi $1}}{\text{$\Omega $1}}\right)^{m+\text{$\varphi $1}} \left(\frac{\text{$\varphi $2}}{\text{$\Omega $2}}\right)^{\text{$\varphi $2}} \left(\frac{t^{\text{k2}} \text{$\varphi $2}}{\text{$\Omega $2}}\right)^{\frac{\text{k1} m}{\text{k2}}+\frac{\text{k1} \text{$\varphi $1}}{\text{k2}}-\text{$\varphi $2}} \Gamma (\text{$\varphi $1}) \Gamma \left(-\frac{\text{k1} (m+\text{$\varphi $1})}{\text{k2}}+\text{$\varphi $2}\right)}{m! \Gamma (\text{$\varphi $2})}=\frac{\text{k1} t^{-1+\text{k2} \text{$\varphi $2}} \left(\frac{\text{$\varphi $1}}{\text{$\Omega $1}}\right)^{\text{$\varphi $1}} \left(\frac{\text{$\varphi $2}}{\text{$\Omega $2}}\right)^{\text{$\varphi $2}} \left(\frac{t^{\text{k2}} \text{$\varphi $2}}{\text{$\Omega $2}}\right)^{\frac{\text{k1} \text{$\varphi $1}}{\text{k2}}-\text{$\varphi $2}} \sum _{m=0}^{\infty } \frac{\left(-\frac{\text{$\varphi $1} \left(\frac{t^{\text{k2}} \text{$\varphi $2}}{\text{$\Omega $2}}\right)^{\text{k1}/\text{k2}}}{\text{$\Omega $1}}\right)^m \Gamma \left(-\frac{\text{k1} (m+\text{$\varphi $1})}{\text{k2}}+\text{$\varphi $2}\right)}{m!}}{\Gamma (\text{$\varphi $2})}$


 Sum[ Gamma[a1 + A1 m]*z^m/m!, {k, 0, Infinity}] == FoxH[{{{1 - a1, A1}}, {}}, {{{0, 1}}, {}}, -z]
 (*And again, it's impossible to compute, it's a shame.
 I have the impression that Mathematica can't do anything.*)

Then we have the Solution expressed by FoxH function:

 F3=(k1*t^(-1 + k2*\[CurlyPhi]2)*(\[CurlyPhi]1/\[CapitalOmega]1)^\[CurlyPhi]1*(\[CurlyPhi]2/\[CapitalOmega]2)^\[CurlyPhi]2*((t^k2*\[CurlyPhi]2)/\[CapitalOmega]2)^((k1*\[CurlyPhi]1)/k2 - \[CurlyPhi]2)*FoxH[{{{1 + (k1*\[CurlyPhi]1)/k2 - \[CurlyPhi]2, -(k1/k2)}}, {}}, {{{0, 1}}, {}}, (\[CurlyPhi]1*((t^k2*\[CurlyPhi]2)/\[CapitalOmega]2)^(k1/k2))/\[CapitalOmega]1]*Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]1])/Gamma[\[CurlyPhi]2]

 \[CurlyPhi]1 = 1; \[CurlyPhi]2 = 2; k1 = 1; k2 = 2; 
 \[CapitalOmega]1 = 3; \[CapitalOmega]2 = 4; t = 1;

  F3 // FunctionExpand // N

  pr = TransformedDistribution[x*y, {x \[Distributed] 
  GammaDistribution[\[CurlyPhi]1, \
  (\[CapitalOmega]1/\[CurlyPhi]1)^(1/k1), k1, 0], 
  y \[Distributed] 
  GammaDistribution[\[CurlyPhi]2, \
  (\[CapitalOmega]2/\[CurlyPhi]2)^(1/k2), k2, 0]}];
  PDF[pr, 1.0]

Mathematica 13.3 or 14.0 can't convert FoxH to MeijerG function!


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