Is there a package converting mathematica output expressions to Julia ?
I know from an other answer in the forum that there is the corresponding ToMatLab(Is it possible to export the equations from Mathematica to MATLAB?)
Is there a package converting mathematica output expressions to Julia ?
I know from an other answer in the forum that there is the corresponding ToMatLab(Is it possible to export the equations from Mathematica to MATLAB?)
Another option is using Python as bridge.
open python and type
Python 3.11.8 (main, Feb 12 2024, 14:50:05) [GCC 13.2.1 20230801] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from sympy.parsing.mathematica import parse_mathematica
>>> e=parse_mathematica("Sin[x]^2 Tan[y]")
>>> e
It is easy now to convert Python to Julia. There are even online convertors.
It is also possible to call Python from Julia directly using
using PyCall
sympy = pyimport("sympy") #
So you can do this all from Julia also.
Now to convert Python to julia, using online conversion tool such as this gives
sin(x)^2 * tan(y)
I am not too familiar with Julia. There might be now builtin tools inside Julia itself to convert Python expressions to Julia that you can use so do not have use online tool.
But the idea is this