I am trying to solve the PDEs which contains Integro-differential and complex values. For example, the following PDE can be easily solved.
s = NDSolveValue[{D[TeV[t, z], t] == Cos[t*z], TeV[0, z] == 1,
TeV[t, 0] == 1}, TeV, {t, 0, 10}, {z, 0, 10}]
TeV1[t_, z_] := s[t, z]
Plot[{TeV1[0, z], TeV1[5, z], TeV1[10, z]}, {z, 0, 10},
PlotRange -> All]
But my PDE is like this
fun[t_?NumericQ, z_?NumericQ] := NIntegrate[TeV[t, z1], {z1, 0, z}];
fun1[t_, z_] := Exp[fun[t, z]]
s = NDSolveValue[{D[fun1[t, z], t] == Cos[t*z], TeV[0, z] == 1,
TeV[t, 0] == 1}, TeV, {t, 0, 10}, {z, 0, 10}]
TeV1[t_, z_] := s[t, z]
Plot[{TeV1[0, z], TeV1[5, z], TeV1[10, z]}, {z, 0, 10},
PlotRange -> All]
Or this
f[t_, z_] := (1 + I TeV[t, z]^2)^(1/3) // Abs
s = NDSolveValue[{D[f[t, z], t] ==Cos[t*z], TeV[0, z] == 1,
TeV[t, 0] == 1}, TeV, {t, 0, 10}, {z, 0, 10}]
TeV1[t_, z_] := s[t, z]
Plot[{TeV1[0, z], TeV1[5, z], TeV1[10, z]}, {z, 0, 10},
PlotRange -> All]
How to solve the last two equations? Thank you.