I need to find affine projections of rectangular content in an image, e.g., paintings, postcards, posters, etc.
I was surprised that FindImageShapes
only supports lines, circles, and eclipses!
Is there a built-in way to do this in v14? And if not, how to extend FindImageShapes
img = Import@
FindImageShapes[img, "Rectangle"]
First and worst attempt:
comp = ImageSegmentationComponents[img];
area = Times @@ ImageDimensions[img];
rects = SortBy[
comp, {"BoundingBox", "Rectangularity",
"Area"}], -#[[2, 2]]^(1/2) + (#[[2, 3]]/area) &];
HighlightImage[img, {Red, Rectangle @@@ rects[[1 ;; UpTo[15], 2, 1]]}]