I am currently trying to reproduce a semi-analytical solution, where $U_0$ satisfies the PDE under the Black-Scholes model, $\mathcal{M}$ represents some differential operators, such as derivatives with respect to time $t$. Given such a complex recursive form involving the integrals of $U_n$, can Mathematica handle it? I found myself quite foolish as I directly used Integrate
and failed to obtain a solution.
My code is:
T = 1;
r = 0.04;
kappa = 1;
theta = 0.25;
sigma = 0.1;
eta[\[Tau]_, x_, v_] :=
Exp[-1/8 v (2 r/v + 1)^2 \[Tau] + 1/2 (2 r/v + 1) x]
dmPlus[t_, x_, v_] := (-x + (r + v/2) (T - t))/Sqrt[v (T - t)]
dmMinus[t_, x_, v_] := (-x + (r - v/2) (T - t))/Sqrt[v (T - t)]
dmR[t_, x_, v_] := dmPlus[t, x, v] - 2 r/Sqrt[v] Sqrt[T - t]
G[t_, x_, \[Xi]_, v_] :=
1/(Sqrt[2 \[Pi] v t])*(Exp[-(x - \[Xi])^2/(2 v t)] +
Exp[-(x + \[Xi])^2/(2 v t)] + (2 r/v + 1) Integrate[
Exp[-(x + \[Xi] + \[Eta])^2/(2 v t) +
0.5 (2 r/v + 1) \[Eta]], {\[Eta], 0, \[Infinity]},
Assumptions ->
1/(t v) > 0 && (0.04` t - 1.` x - 1.` \[Xi])/(t v) < -0.5])
normal[z_] := CDF[NormalDistribution[0, 1], z]
U0[t_, x_, v_] :=
Exp[x] Exp[-r (T - t)] normal[-dmMinus[t, x, v]] -
normal[-dmPlus[t, x, v]] +
v/(2 r) (Exp[-r (T - t)] normal[dmPlus[t, x, v]] -
Exp[x + 2 x r/v] normal[dmR[t, x, v]])
MU0[t_, x_, v_] :=
kappa (theta - v) D[U0[t, x, v], v] +
0.5 sigma^2 v D[D[U0[t, x, v], v], v]
Uhat[\[Tau]_, x_, v_] :=
eta[s, \[Xi], v] *MU0[T - s, \[Xi], v] *
G[\[Tau] - s, x, \[Xi], v], {\[Xi], 0, \[Infinity]},
Assumptions -> \[Tau] > s > 0 && x > 0 && v > 0], {s, 0, \[Tau]}]
and failed to obtain a solution." This sounds strange, coding such recursive formula in Mathematica should be straightforward. How do you try usingIntegrate
? Please show us the code. (Notice you may needInactive
to avoid unnecessary integration. ) $\endgroup$D
, see the following 2 posts for more info: mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/223456/1871 mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/223880/1871 $\endgroup$Uhat
I am solving for now corresponds to $n=1$, but I am stuck at the step from $n=0$ to $n=1$. $\endgroup$