I'm integrating a positive function f(t) times sin(t) from 0 to pi/5 and get -38.
Actually f is slightly negative for a short time (smallest value ~ -0.0005), but far from enough to explain this. Here is the code for the function:
NormFact[k_, S_] :=
Sqrt[(4 S - 2 k - 1) (4 S - k) (4 S - k + 1) (k +
1) (k + 2)/(4*Pi*S)];
xi[k_, j_, S_] := (-1)^j*
Binomial[k, j]*(4*S - k - 1)!/((j + 2)!*(4*S - k - j - 1)!);
Ofunc[t_, S_, coeffs_] :=
1 - Cos[t/2]^(4*S) +
NormFact[k, S]*
Sum[xi[k, j, S]*Sin[t/2]^(2*j + 2)*Cos[t/2]^(4*S - 2*j - 2), {j,
0, k}], {k, 0, Length[coeffs] - 1}];
cfs = {-2.6155133, 0.9614036, 0.100279, -0.432464,
0.39887624, -0.2508507, 0.10555472, -0.0007824, -0.0526054,
0.0703274, -0.0688152, 0.05138949, -0.03833719,
0.02062684, -0.0018939, -0.0027808};
And here's the result when I integrate:
In:= Integrate[Ofunc[t, 58.5, cfs]*Sin[t], {t, 0, Pi/5}]
Out:= -38.132 + 0. I
Can anyone see my mistake?
"ReleaseID" /. ("Kernel" /. SystemInformation["Small"])
gives an answer I'm comfortable with (0.13956), and it works fine on v8.0.1, too. So, I'd use that, especially considering the coefficients in your function have vastly different scales, and may be confusing things. $\endgroup$