Explanation why some graphs appear more than ones:
It depends on the number of possible paths - some graphs have only one possibility, the graph below has four.
Functions definitions:
I borrowed removeIsomorphicDoublePaths
from @Domen's answer.
is variation of removeIsomorphicDoublePaths
adds tags to edge for proper displaying in Graph
is edge shape function.
removeIsomorphicDoublePaths[doublePaths_] :=
Module[{doublePathsFlat, hashes, isoHashes},
doublePathsFlat = Flatten /@ doublePaths;
hashes = ToString@Values[PositionIndex[#]] & /@ doublePathsFlat;
isoHashes = DeleteDuplicates[hashes];
Part[doublePaths, First@FirstPosition[hashes, #] & /@ isoHashes]]
removeIsomorphicPaths[doublePaths_] := Module[{hashes, isoHashes},
hashes = ToString@Values[PositionIndex[#]] & /@ doublePaths;
isoHashes = DeleteDuplicates[hashes];
Part[doublePaths, First@FirstPosition[hashes, #] & /@ isoHashes]]
nk[n_, k_] := n!/((n - k)!)
edgesTagged[e_] := Block[{po, v},
v = {};
If[(po =
Position[Append[Sort[Most@#], Last@#] & /@ v,
Append[Sort@Most[#], {#[[-1, 1]], _}]]) != {},
AppendTo[v, Append[Most[#], Last@v[[(Last@po)[[1]]]] + {0, 1}]],
AppendTo[v, #]] & /@
MapIndexed[Append[#, {1 + Boole[First@#2 > Length[e]/2], 1}] &, e];
Join[Most@#, {Append[Last@#, Subtract @@ Most@#]}] & /@ v
arrow = Graphics[{Line[# + {-1, 0} & /@ {{-1, 1}, {1, 0}, {-1, -1}}]}];
ef = ({Thick, (RGBColor /@ {"#FF6B00", "#0094FF"})[[#2[[3,
1]]]], {Arrowheads[{{0.01, 0.5 + 0.01, arrow}}],
If[#2[[3, 3]] != 0,
Mean@#[[{1, -1}]] + #2[[3, 3]]^2*(#2[[3, 1]] - 3/2) {0,
0.4 + 0.2 #2[[3, 2]]/Abs[#2[[3, 3]]]},
Splice[Table[Mean@#[[{1, -1}]],
3] + {{-0.05 - 0.05 #2[[3, 2]], 0.3} + {0,
0.2 #2[[3, 2]]/2}, {0, 0.5} + {0,
0.2 #2[[3, 2]]/2}, {0.05 + 0.05 #2[[3, 2]], 0.3} + {0,
0.1 #2[[3, 2]]}}*Table[{1, (#2[[3, 1]] - 3/2)}, 3]]],
Last@#}]}} &);
Code to produce edges for all graphs.
do = 5;
tup = Prepend[#, 1] & /@ Tuples[Range[do], {do - 1}];
gr = GatherBy[#, Last] & /@ {removeIsomorphicPaths[tup], tup};
pairs = Flatten[Tuples /@ Transpose[gr], 1];
jp = Join @@@ Map[Partition[#, 2, 1] &, pairs, {2}];
edges = removeIsomorphicDoublePaths[
Select[jp, AllTrue[Values@Counts[#], EvenQ] &]];
Total[nk[n, Flatten[#] // Union // Length]*
Times @@ ((Values@Counts[#] - 1)!!) & /@ edges]] // Apart
48 n + 28 n^2 + 28 n^3 + n^5
Code to display graphs:
Graph[DirectedEdge @@@ #, EdgeShapeFunction -> ef,
VertexStyle -> Black, VertexSize -> Tiny,
VertexCoordinates ->
0}, {n, #[[All, {1, 2}]] // Flatten // Union // Length}],
ImageSize ->
200*(#[[All, {1, 2}]] // Flatten // Union //
Length)] & /@ (edgesTagged /@ edges) // Column
image 2
image 3
Some interesting graphs for do=6
out of all 559
And another two interesting graphs for do=6
where there is impossibility of having no crossings of edges.
should help with your question ofTr(AAA A'A'A')
orTr(AA A'A')
. The rules they used are different. You still have not explained why there are four instances of the same graph in hand-drawn image. If we do not know the rules to create these graphs how can we answer the question? $\endgroup$