I only found some limited answer close to the picture.
1 Answer
- rewrite the code from @J.M.'seventualburnout https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/89095/72111
- We set
andPlotStyle -> None, MeshStyle -> White, ViewPoint -> {2.5, 2.2, 1.4}, Background -> Darker@Blue
z1[θ_, ξ_, n_, k_] :=
Exp[2 π I k/n] Cosh[ξ + I θ]^(2/n);
z2[θ_, ξ_, n_, k_] :=
Exp[2 π I k/n] Sinh[ξ + I θ]^(2/n); With[{n1 = 7,
n2 = 7, φ = π/4, bs0 = 0.8, bs1 = 0.2, lt = 0.9},
With[{z1Val = z1[θ, ξ, n1, k1],
z2Val = z2[θ, ξ, n2, k2]}, {Re[z1Val], Re[z2Val],
Cos[φ] Im[z1Val] +
Sin[φ] Im[z2Val]}], {k1, 0, n1 - 1}, {k2, 0,
n2 - 1}], 1], {ξ, -1, 1}, {θ, 0, π/2},
Axes -> None, Boxed -> False, Evaluated -> True,
Lighting -> "Neutral", PlotStyle -> None, MeshStyle -> White,
ViewPoint -> {2.5, 2.2, 1.4}, Background -> Darker@Blue]]
$\begingroup$ Thank you. It looks really cool. Is is possible to make it rotate along some given axis? I tried to define it as a 3D object and use manipulate and rotate, but it did not work correctly.@cvgmt $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 18 at 8:17