In the documentation of ColorData
I found this esthetically beautiful image created by ReliefPlot
Table[RandomReal[] (Sin[x + y^2] + Sin[x^2 + 3 y]), {x, -3,
3, .01}, {y, -3, 3, .01}],
ColorFunction -> ColorData["SouthwestColors"]]
But if we do not use RandomReal[]
in the code we get this:
Table[(Sin[x + y^2] + Sin[x^2 + 3 y]), {x, -3, 3, .01}, {y, -3,
3, .01}], ColorFunction -> ColorData["SouthwestColors"]]
Color gradient "SouthwestColors"
contains quite different colors. For example there is no black color nevertheless we can see random black grain the the first image.
Also in the first image we see nice curves of light brown color (also a circle) but on the second image we can not see any apparent curves.
I have two question:
What is the cause of changes in colors of color scheme? (evidently the cause is using
but I need explanation why)What is the cause of appearing of the curves?