We can show the plot together, but how do we show different plots in the same grid frame without combining them? I have tried the GraphicsColumn
and it shows the plots separately.
2 Answers
Plot[Sin[x] + 0, {x, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Red],
Plot[Cos[x] + 2, {x, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Darker @ Green],
Graphics[AxisObject[{"Horizontal", 0}]],
Graphics[AxisObject[{"Horizontal", 2}]],
Frame -> True,
PlotRange -> All]
Without Ticklabels
(like in the image of the question)
Plot[Sin[x] + 0, {x, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Red],
Plot[Cos[x] + 2, {x, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Darker @ Green],
Graphics[AxisObject[{"Horizontal", 0}, TickLabels -> {None, All}]],
Graphics[AxisObject[{"Horizontal", 2}, TickLabels -> {None, All}]],
Frame -> True,
PlotRange -> All]
You can use the PlotLayout
option if the $x$-axis of your plot is not changing instead of using Grid
or GraphicsColumn
for a column representation.
A sample code:
Plot[{Sin[x], Cos[x] }, {x, 0, 4 Pi}, PlotLayout -> "Column",
FrameLabel -> {"x", "y"}, AspectRatio -> 0.5]
However, if I understood the "representation of different plots in the same grid frame without combining them" correctly, what you want is something like this:
data = Table[Sin[x], {x, 0, 4 Pi, 0.1}];
dwd = DiscreteWaveletTransform[data, Automatic, 3]
WaveletListPlot[dwd, PlotLayout -> "CommonXAxis"]
If this is not what you want, please share the equations responsible for the above plot.
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