I am trying to find de parametric equations of this curve (the curve in that sector of circle):
What I've tried:
data = {{2.75, 2.7}, {3.1, 2.84}, {3.45, 2.97}, {3.76, 2.82}, {3.9, 2.45}, {3.72, 2.21}, {3.33, 2.13}, {3.36, 1.87}, {3.65, 1.63}, {3.93, 1.39}, {4.22, 1.15}, {4.55, 0.97}, {4.89, 0.8}, {5.25, 0.7}, {5.41, 1}, {5.4, 1.37}, {5.35, 1.74}, {5.11, 1.96}, {4.8, 1.74}, {4.51, 1.5}, {4.28, 1.21}, {4.06, 0.91}, {3.89, 0.57}, {4.11, 0.27}, {4.45, 0.11}, {2.75, 2.7}, {2.93, 2.79}, {3.18, 2.87}, {3.39, 2.95}, {3.63, 2.96}, {3.78, 2.78}, {3.88, 2.53}, {3.89, 2.27}, {3.63, 2.2}, {3.42, 2.15}, {3.23, 2.08}, {3.34, 1.9}, {3.52, 1.72}, {3.73, 1.58}, {3.91, 1.41}, {4.09, 1.29}, {4.25, 1.12}, {4.49, 1}, {4.74, 0.86}, {4.95, 0.78}, {5.18, 0.69}, {5.34, 0.73}, {5.39, 0.93}, {5.43, 1.11}, {5.41, 1.32}, {5.39, 1.55}, {5.34, 1.77}, {5.24, 1.97}, {5.07, 1.94}, {4.88, 1.81}, {4.71, 1.66}, {4.53, 1.52}, {4.38, 1.37}, {4.24, 1.15}, {4.07, 0.93}, {3.95, 0.75}, {3.89, 0.55}, {4, 0.36}, {4.2, 0.22}, {4.45, 0.11}}
Now I've tried to do some Bezier interpolation:
f = SplineFit[data, Bezier]
ParametricPlot[f[x], {x, 0, 62}]
This seems to be quite ok. But I don't know how to extract parametric equations from here. Any idea? Thanks!
is different. One could usePiecewiseExpand@ Module[{n = Length[data] - 1}, Sum[data[[i + 1]] BernsteinBasis[n, i, x], {i, 0, n}] ]
to get the equations. $\endgroup$