ExclusionsStyle >> Details
So... with ExclusionsStyle -> Black
what appear as black lines are actually many small polygons covering "interiors of excluded subregions".
To see how excluded regions are rendered with settings ExclusionsStyle -> styleregion
and ExclusionsStyle -> {styleregion, styleboundary}
in more detail, set Mesh
and PlotStyle
to None
and use PlotRange
to zoom in a smaller portion of the surface.
Plot3D[Min[3 x + 2 y, 2 y + 2 x + 1, y + 2 x, 2 y + 1, 1],
{x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3},
PlotRange -> {{0, .75}, {-.5, .5}}, ImageSize -> Large,
Mesh -> None, BoundaryStyle -> None, PlotStyle -> None,
ExclusionsStyle -> Directive[EdgeForm[{Thin, Green}], FaceForm[Red]]]
Plot3D[Min[3 x + 2 y, 2 y + 2 x + 1, y + 2 x, 2 y + 1, 1],
{x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3},
PlotRange -> {{0, .75}, {-.5, .5}}, ImageSize -> Large,
Mesh -> None, BoundaryStyle -> None, PlotStyle -> None,
ExclusionsStyle -> {FaceForm[], Directive[Thin, Blue]}]
To get 2D lines separating various regions of the surface, one possible way is to use RegionPlot
as follows:
functions = {3 x + 2 y, 2 y + 2 x + 1, y + 2 x, 2 y + 1, 1};
fiveRegions = Map[# <= Min[functions] &] @ functions;
RegionPlot[fiveRegions, {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3},
PlotStyle -> {Red, Green, Blue, Orange, Cyan},
PlotLegends -> Range[5],
BoundaryStyle -> Directive[AbsoluteThickness[2], Black]]
To get just the lines use PlotStyle -> None
and to get rid of the outer boundary use a negative number for PlotRangePadding
RegionPlot[fiveRegions, {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3},
PlotStyle -> None,
BoundaryStyle -> Directive[AbsoluteThickness[1], Black],
PlotRangePadding -> -.05]
Plot3D + ConditionalExpression
conditionalExpressions =
Map[ConditionalExpression[#, # <= Min[functions]] &]@functions;
plot3d = Plot3D[conditionalExpressions, {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3},
Mesh -> None, Exclusions -> None, BoundaryStyle -> Black]
Extract lines and remove the last columns of coordinates
Cases[Normal[plot3d], Line[x_] :> Line[x[[All, ;; 2]]], All],
PlotRangePadding -> -.05]
ExclusionsStyle -> Black
what appear as black lines are actually many small polygons covering "interiors of excluded subregions". $\endgroup$Plot3D[Min[3 x + 2 y, 2 y + 2 x + 1, y + 2 x, 2 y + 1, 1], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3}, Mesh -> None, BoundaryStyle -> None, PlotStyle -> None, AxesLabel -> {Style["x"], Style["y"], Style["v"]}, ExclusionsStyle -> Directive[EdgeForm[{AbsoluteThickness[1/2], Green}], FaceForm[Red]]]
and $\endgroup$Plot3D[Min[3 x + 2 y, 2 y + 2 x + 1, y + 2 x, 2 y + 1, 1], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3}, Mesh -> None, BoundaryStyle -> None, PlotStyle -> None, AxesLabel -> {Style["x"], Style["y"], Style["v"]}, ExclusionsStyle -> {FaceForm[], Directive[Thin, Cyan]}]
to see how excluded regions are rendered forExclusionsStyle -> styleregion
andExclusionsStyle -> {styleregion, styleboundary}
If you could put these two helpful comments into an answer with a 2d projection, I can accept it so that this question is set as solved. $\endgroup$