I'd like to use mma to recreate this curve shortening flow effect. I have something that works for simple shapes (LHS), but not for more complex curves, which it causes to self-intersect (RHS gif):
Clear[f, np, p, t];
p1 = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {7, 2}];
f1 = BSplineFunction[p1, SplineDegree -> 5, SplineClosed -> True];
np[u_, dt_] := u + dt/Norm[D[f1[t], t]] /. t -> u;
newpts =
Table[f1[t], {t, NestWhileList[np[#, 1/25.] &, 0, # < 1 &]}];
newPursuitList[1, 250, newpts]
What is the correct approach for this?
Code for newPursuitList
function used above:
newPursuitList[k_, n_, list_] :=
folf[l_List, i_] :=
newptRadiusMid[##, i] & @@@ Partition[l, 3, 1, 2];
midpt[pc_, pd_] := (Tr /@ Thread@{pc, pd})/2;
newptRadiusMid[pa_, pc_, pd_, time_] :=
Module[{pnew, xnew, ynew, pab, radius, pb}, pb = midpt[pc, pd];
incr = 1; dist = EuclideanDistance[pa, pb];
radius = If[dist > incr, incr, dist];
pab = {pb[[1]] - pa[[1]], pb[[2]] - pa[[2]]};
xnew =
If[pab[[1]] == 0,
Sign[pab[[1]]] radius/
Sqrt[1 + (pa[[2]] - pb[[2]])^2/(pa[[1]] - pb[[1]])^2] +
ynew =
If[pab[[1]] == 0,
pa[[2]] +(*rate*)(1/2)(*rate*)Sign[pab[[2]]] radius,
pa[[2]] + (xnew - pa[[1]]) #[[2]]/#[[1]] &@pab];
pnew = {xnew, ynew}];
abs[li_, p_] :=
Module[{a, b, c, d, e, f, g},
a = {Min@#, Max@#} &@li[[p]][[All, 1]];
b = {Min@#, Max@#} &@li[[p]][[All, 2]];
c = Abs[Differences@a];
d = Abs[Differences@b];
e = Max@{c, d}/2; f = 1.1; g = f*e;
{{# - g, # + g} &@Mean@a, {# - g, # + g} &@Mean@b}];
newlist = Chop /@ FoldList[folf, list, Range@n];
plots =
Table[Graphics[{Line[Join[{Last@#}, #] &@newlist[[m]]]},
PlotRange -> {{# - .2 Abs@# &@Min@#[[All, 1]], # + .2 Abs@# &@
Max@#[[All, 1]]}, {# - .2 Abs@# &@
Min@#[[All, 2]], # + .2 Abs@# &@Max@#[[All, 2]]}} &@list,
Frame -> False], {m, 1, n, 1}];
@Goofy's code works as desired with swirl:
pts1 = Catenate[
Cases[PolarPlot[Sqrt[t], {t, 0, 5 Pi}], Line[data_] :> data,
pts2 = Catenate[
Cases[PolarPlot[-Sqrt[t], {t, 0, 4 Pi}], Line[data_] :> data,
pts = Join[pts1, Reverse@pts2]/(2 Pi);
DynamicModule[{pts = remesh@Most@pts, rate = 0.0005},
Polygon[{pts =
remesh[pts +
Divide[Transpose@{ListConvolve[{1, -2, 1}, pts[[All, 1]],
1], ListConvolve[{1, -2, 1}, pts[[All, 2]], 1]},
ListConvolve[{1, 0, -1}, pts[[All, 1]], 1]^2 +
ListConvolve[{1, 0, -1}, pts[[All, 2]], 1]^2]]}]},
Frame -> True, PlotRange -> 1]]