How do I label a disk when the disk is used in a Prolog
or Epilog
of a plot, such as:
PolarPlot[{\[Theta], Sqrt[\[Theta]]}, {\[Theta], 0, 3 \[Pi] + 0.1},
Frame -> True,
Prolog -> {Blue,
Disk[{(3 \[Pi] + 0.1)*Cos[3 \[Pi] + 0.1], (3 \[Pi] + 0.1)*
Sin[3 \[Pi] + 0.1]}, 0.3], Orange,
Disk[{Sqrt[(3 \[Pi] + 0.1)]*Cos[3 \[Pi] + 0.1],
Sqrt[(3 \[Pi] + 0.1)]*Sin[3 \[Pi] + 0.1]}, 0.3]}]
And I would like to add different labels to the individual disks, such as if generated by:
Disk[{(3 \[Pi] + 0.1)*Cos[3 \[Pi] + 0.1], (3 \[Pi] + 0.1)*
Sin[3 \[Pi] + 0.1]}, 0.3], "Parampara", {{Right, Center}},
RotateLabel -> True]
Apparently, Labeled
cannot be used as MA is complaining about graphics primitives, and I could not find a way to do this. There might be a way with Show
, but I am already using the plot in a show so that the whole thing will get way too complicated.