Frank Stella (born 1936) is an American painter, sculptor and printmaker who lives and works in New York City. The Museum of Modern Art presented a retrospective of his work in 1970, making him the youngest artist to receive one. Stella's works are found in the most important museum collections worldwide. In recent years Frank Stella has produced a variety of stars whose basic structure is obviously based on a Dodecahedron.
The above "Summer Star" (2015) exhibits a process of rapid prototyping (RPT) that Stella used for many years. To create these types of pieces, he crafts a form, scans and refines it on the computer, and then 3D prints it.
"Flat Pack Star" (2016) is made of baltic plywood and has very unusual, aesthetically pleasing cutouts.
In Sol LeWitt's skeletal geometries cvgmt
perfected a function of kglr
which allows us to perforate polyhedra:
Perforate[width_ : .3, thickness_ : .05][bmesh_] :=
MeshPrimitives[bmesh, 2] /. Polygon[x_] :>
Module[{c = Mean @ x, p1 = Partition[x, 2, 1, {1, 1}], p2},
p2 = Map[Reverse] @ Partition[Map[(c + (1 - width) (# - c)) &, x], 2, 1, {1, 1}];
ReplaceAll[Polygon[y_] :> ConvexHullRegion[Join[y, (1 + thickness) y]]] @
MapThread[Polygon @* Join] @ {p1, p2}]
Applying this snippet to a SmallStellatedDodecahedron
we can produce a Stella-like star:
Perforate[.2] @ PolyhedronData["SmallStellatedDodecahedron", "BoundaryMeshRegion"]},
Background -> GrayLevel[0.8],
Boxed -> False,
Lighting -> "ThreePoint"]
Rotating it we can clearly see that the basic element of this polyhedron is a five-sided pyramid, which we can produce as well:
Perforate[.2] @ PolyhedronData[{"CanonicalPyramid", 5}, "BoundaryMeshRegion"]},
Background -> GrayLevel[0.8],
Boxed -> False,
Lighting -> "ThreePoint"]
I would accept any answer which brings me closer to either one of the two Stella-stars shown, particularly by
- producing a net-like structure like
Summer Star
- coloring the spikes (pyramids) differently like
Summer Star
- producing cutout-offsets like
Flat Pack Star
And, last but not least, Merry Christmas to all of you