
I have a simple module like

BCdet[x_, y_] := Module[
  AuxMat = Mat /. {f -> x, A -> y};

where Mat is a normal matrix 12x12 with parameters f and A. The above defined module returns a complex number and it works without any problems.

Then I would like to find root of its real part for given A=trailA and for a complex f

 Re[BCdet[f, trialA]],
 {f, 2.5 + 0. I},
 StepMonitor :> Print["Step to f = ", f]

Unfortunately, this does not work at all. I cannot get any result. I use StepMonitor to check it, however, it does not give any output. Any idea where might be the problem?

  • $\begingroup$ But as I understood, this evaluates function only when its argument is a number. I think this must be obeyed in the example with FindRoot, isn't it? $\endgroup$
    – LLapsus
    Commented Jul 31, 2013 at 9:17

1 Answer 1


You may consider making Mat a function of f and A. Or if you wish to work with your code, make sure f and A do not have values. FindRoot temporarily gives f a value in your example. Therefore in your code the replacement rule for f will be broken. However, this is usually not a problem as f will be given its value simply by evaluation. But it does show the risk of making a function like this. If you give A a value, then it does not make a difference what you set trialA to, as the rule for A will be broken.

Fortunately we have

x /. {3.3 -> 5}


but it would be terrible if 3.3 would appear on the LHS of /., as you would then get an undesired replacement . This is not what makes your code fail to work however. Consider these definitions

Mat2[A_, f_] := {{A + I, f}, {A + f, A + f + 3 I}}

BCdet[x_, y_] := Module[
  AuxMat = Mat2[y,x];

Now, for me it works if we simply do

FindRoot[BCdet[x, trialA], {x, 5}]

-> {x -> 3.01955 + 7.45469 I}

And we have

Abs[BCdet[3.019546672440941` + 7.454686341385149` I, trialA]]


Which is pretty close to 0. However, you code does not work

FindRoot[Re[BCdet[x, trialA]], {x, 5}]

--messages--> The line search decreased the step size to within tolerance...

I suppose you can leave out the Re as without the Re FindRoot will find a solution with a small real part anyway. But that is a bit ugly.


If you wish to do still use replacement rules, at least use HoldPattern. But first another suggestion. If you don't want to do

BCdet[f_, A_] :=  Det[{{A + I, f}, {A + f, A + f + 3 I}}]

Because Mat is so big, or because you want to reuse/change Mat, you can do something like

Clear[A, f]

Mat = {{A + I, f}, {A + f, A + f + 3 I}};

      {Mat = Mat}
      BCdet[f_, A_] :=  Det[Mat]

I suggest you work with regular functions so I don't have to explain everything below :P. This would make your code work but it is really inconvenient:

 {Mat = {{A + I, f}, {A + f, A + f + 3 I}}}
 BCdet[x_, y_] := 
   AuxMat = Unevaluated[Mat] /. {HoldPattern[f] -> x, HoldPattern[A] -> y};
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks, I always use Clear[f,A]. Finally, it seems that adding BCdet[x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ] to the definition helped. Unfortunately, I do not understand why. I guess, the arguments always must be numbers. $\endgroup$
    – LLapsus
    Commented Jul 31, 2013 at 10:00
  • $\begingroup$ @LLapsus note that there is still a risk because f is given a value by FindRoot. You might get undesired replacements still, but it is very unlikely. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 31, 2013 at 10:02

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