I am trying to solve a system of PDEs, but I get the error NDSolveValue::ntdvdae
Cannot solve to find an explicit formula for the derivatives. NDSolve will try solving the system as differential-algebraic equations
After that Mathematica runs for a while and then spits out another error NDSolveValue::icfail
Unable to find initial conditions that satisfy the residual function within specified tolerances. Try giving initial conditions for both values and derivatives of the functions.
Here is the code:
l0 = -1;
r0 = 1;
G = 6.67 10^-11;
c = 1;
c0 = 299792458;
P[t_, r_] := \[Epsilon][t, r]/3;
ic = {R[0, r] == r, Derivative[1, 0][R][0, r] == c,
Derivative[1, 0][\[Lambda]][0, r] ==
1, \[Lambda][0, r] == (-(1/9) r + 10/9) l0, \[Nu][0,
r] == (-(1/9) r + 10/9) ((4 Pi)/3 10)^(-1/4), \[Epsilon][0,
r] == (4 Pi)/3 10};
bc = {R[t, r0] == r0 + c t,
R[t, 10] == 10 + c t, \[Lambda][t, r0] == l0, \[Lambda][t, 10] ==
0, \[Nu][t, r0] == ((4 Pi)/3 10)^(-1/4), \[Nu][t, 10] ==
0, \[Epsilon][t, r0] == (4 Pi)/3 10};
eq1 = D[\[Epsilon][t, r], t] R[t,
r] + (P[t, r] + \[Epsilon][t, r]) (2 D[R[t, r], t] +
R[t, r] D[\[Lambda][t, r], t]) == 0;
eq2 = (P[t, r] + \[Epsilon][t, r]) D[\[Nu][t, r], r] +
D[P[t, r], r] == 0;
eq3 = D[\[Nu][t, r], r] D[R[t, r], t] +
D[R[t, r], r] D[\[Lambda][t, r], t] - D[D[R[t, r], t], r] == 0;
eq5 = R[t,
r] (Exp[2 \[Nu][t,
r]] (-((D[\[Lambda][t, r] - \[Nu][t, r],
r]) (D[R[t, r], r] + R[t, r] D[\[Nu][t, r], r])) +
D[R[t, r], {r, 2}] + R[t, r] D[\[Nu][t, r], {r, 2}]) -
Exp[2 \[Lambda][t,
r]] (((D[\[Lambda][t, r] - \[Nu][t, r], t]) (D[R[t, r], t] +
R[t, r] D[\[Lambda][t, r], t])) + D[R[t, r], {t, 2}] +
R[t, r] D[\[Lambda][t, r], {t, 2}])) == (8 \[Pi] G)/
c0^4 Exp[2 \[Lambda][t, r] + 2 \[Nu][t, r]] P[t, r];
{en, Rad, lam, nu} =
NDSolveValue[{eq1, eq2, eq3,(*eq4,*)eq5, ic, bc}, {\[Epsilon],
R, \[Lambda], \[Nu]}, {t, 0, 10}, {r, r0, 10}]
. Trying to find explicit form fails, system seems to be singular!. $\endgroup$