Up to the documentation to Resolve
(see the "Details" section)
Resolve[expr] can in principle always eliminate quantifiers if expr contains only polynomial equations and inequalities over the reals or complexes.
Resolve[expr] can in principle always eliminate quantifiers for any Boolean expression expr.
, the commands are mainly oriented towards polynomials and Boolean expressions. In view of it we should to switch from trigonometry to polynomials by
Resolve[ForAll[{c, s}, TrigExpand[2 Sin[t + 3/10] + 5 Cos[t + \[Pi]/4] +
Cos[t - 31/10]] == a Sin[t] + b Cos[t] /. {Sin[t] -> s, Cos[t] -> c}],Reals]
5/Sqrt[2] + a - 2 Cos[1/10]^3 - 31 Cos[1/10]^30 Sin[1/10] + 6 Cos[1/10] Sin[1/10]^2 + 4495 Cos[1/10]^28 Sin[1/10]^3 - 169911 Cos[1/10]^26 Sin[1/10]^5 + 2629575 Cos[1/10]^24 Sin[1/10]^7 - 20160075 Cos[1/10]^22 Sin[1/10]^9 + 84672315 Cos[1/10]^20 Sin[1/10]^11 - 206253075 Cos[1/10]^18 Sin[1/10]^13 + 300540195 Cos[1/10]^16 Sin[1/10]^15 - 265182525 Cos[1/10]^14 Sin[1/10]^17 + 141120525 Cos[1/10]^12 Sin[1/10]^19 - 44352165 Cos[1/10]^10 Sin[1/10]^21 + 7888725 Cos[1/10]^8 Sin[1/10]^23 - 736281 Cos[1/10]^6 Sin[1/10]^25 + 31465 Cos[1/10]^4 Sin[1/10]^27 - 465 Cos[1/10]^2 Sin[1/10]^29 + Sin[1/10]^31 == 0 && -(5/Sqrt[2]) + b - Cos[1/10]^31 - 6 Cos[1/10]^2 Sin[1/10] + 465 Cos[1/10]^29 Sin[1/10]^2 + 2 Sin[1/10]^3 - 31465 Cos[1/10]^27 Sin[1/10]^4 + 736281 Cos[1/10]^25 Sin[1/10]^6 - 7888725 Cos[1/10]^23 Sin[1/10]^8 + 44352165 Cos[1/10]^21 Sin[1/10]^10 - 141120525 Cos[1/10]^19 Sin[1/10]^12 + 265182525 Cos[1/10]^17 Sin[1/10]^14 - 300540195 Cos[1/10]^15 Sin[1/10]^16 + 206253075 Cos[1/10]^13 Sin[1/10]^18 - 84672315 Cos[1/10]^11 Sin[1/10]^20 + 20160075 Cos[1/10]^9 Sin[1/10]^22 - 2629575 Cos[1/10]^7 Sin[1/10]^24 + 169911 Cos[1/10]^5 Sin[1/10]^26 - 4495 Cos[1/10]^3 Sin[1/10]^28 + 31 Cos[1/10] Sin[1/10]^30 == 0
and then
Solve[%, {a, b}, Reals]
{{a -> -(5/Sqrt[2]) + 2 Cos[1/10]^3 + 31 Cos[1/10]^30 Sin[1/10] - 6 Cos[1/10] Sin[1/10]^2 - 4495 Cos[1/10]^28 Sin[1/10]^3 + 169911 Cos[1/10]^26 Sin[1/10]^5 - 2629575 Cos[1/10]^24 Sin[1/10]^7 + 20160075 Cos[1/10]^22 Sin[1/10]^9 - 84672315 Cos[1/10]^20 Sin[1/10]^11 + 206253075 Cos[1/10]^18 Sin[1/10]^13 - 300540195 Cos[1/10]^16 Sin[1/10]^15 + 265182525 Cos[1/10]^14 Sin[1/10]^17 - 141120525 Cos[1/10]^12 Sin[1/10]^19 + 44352165 Cos[1/10]^10 Sin[1/10]^21 - 7888725 Cos[1/10]^8 Sin[1/10]^23 + 736281 Cos[1/10]^6 Sin[1/10]^25 - 31465 Cos[1/10]^4 Sin[1/10]^27 + 465 Cos[1/10]^2 Sin[1/10]^29 - Sin[1/10]^31, b -> 5/Sqrt[2] + Cos[1/10]^31 + 6 Cos[1/10]^2 Sin[1/10] - 465 Cos[1/10]^29 Sin[1/10]^2 - 2 Sin[1/10]^3 + 31465 Cos[1/10]^27 Sin[1/10]^4 - 736281 Cos[1/10]^25 Sin[1/10]^6 + 7888725 Cos[1/10]^23 Sin[1/10]^8 - 44352165 Cos[1/10]^21 Sin[1/10]^10 + 141120525 Cos[1/10]^19 Sin[1/10]^12 - 265182525 Cos[1/10]^17 Sin[1/10]^14 + 300540195 Cos[1/10]^15 Sin[1/10]^16 - 206253075 Cos[1/10]^13 Sin[1/10]^18 + 84672315 Cos[1/10]^11 Sin[1/10]^20 - 20160075 Cos[1/10]^9 Sin[1/10]^22 + 2629575 Cos[1/10]^7 Sin[1/10]^24 - 169911 Cos[1/10]^5 Sin[1/10]^26 + 4495 Cos[1/10]^3 Sin[1/10]^28 - 31 Cos[1/10] Sin[1/10]^30}}