Note I did not write any of this code, netevaluation
is taken directly from the Examples -> Evaluation Function of the "ColorNet Image Colorization Trained on ImageNet Competition Data" page on the Wolfram neural net repository:
netevaluation[img_Image] :=
"ColorNet Image Colorization Trained on ImageNet Competition \
Data"][img], Prepend[Reverse@ImageDimensions@img, 2]],
ImageData[ColorSeparate[img, "L"]]], Interleaving -> False,
ColorSpace -> "LAB"]
It produces a colored image, although in this specific case it seems the photoshop output is more vividly colored compared to this output:
img = Import[""];
img = ColorConvert[img, "Grayscale"];
colored = netevaluation[img];
ImageCollage[{img, colored}]
Colorize[image, ColorFunction -> "CoffeeTones"]
and play with options. $\endgroup$