EDIT: Since this answer kept growing in length after multiple edits, I went back and deleted stuff that's no longer relevant, though I did retain the explanations of what I found and did.
As Daniel Huber pointed out, you have a typo in bcs. I noticed that your eq2 specifies $\rho(r,t)$ as a function of f[t] and r, so I used Solve to get an expression for $\rho(r,t)$ and applied the solution to eq1, replacing the $\rho(r,t)$ term with the solution from eq2 in terms of f,f',r - but leaving the $\rho$ derivatives untouched, as well as the boundary conditions.
That took care of the first problem but now I ran into a new one -
the exponential in your boundary condition has a huge value for large r, and you get a numerical underflow.
While thinking about this, I looked at a suggestion made by Ulrich Neumann to try solving eq1 for f[t] in terms of rho and replacing f[t],f'[t] everywhere. Sort of the inverse of what I did previously. The problem is that the boundary conditions get hopelessly tangled and I see no way to translate the result into the relatively simple f(1) = 1 specified. So I resumed trying to make progress with what I had originally.
The comment under the question about f,rho requiring the same arguments is correct; the easy way to see this is to try DSolve without boundary conditions. It complains and points to the appropriate documentation page to explain the message. I rewrote the equation and added a term to have the r-derivative of f be 0. I also split the "R" into r0 (where to center the Gaussian initially), and rtmax - the maximum value for the t,r grid. I also renamed the variables sigma and rho because I got weary of hitting escape to type Greek letters, and they don't come out well when I try to paste code here anyway, and made some formatting changes to reduce the number of parenthesis.
I made some changes to your initial condition for rho. One earlier problem was that you had inconsistent boundary conditions, which caused NDSolve to bail and return unevaluated. You specified rho[r,0] to be a Gaussian, but also stipulate that rho[rtMax,t] == 0. What happens at {r,t} = {rtMax,0}? Both conditions apply at that point, and they're not consistent; the Gaussian is small, but not zero. If you have an inconsistency in your bc's at even one point, NDSolve issues a message and exits. I wrapped your Gaussian in an If statement and force it to zero beyond some distance from r0. This may lead to a small discontinuity, but it shouldn't have too much effect.
I did get past a few of the earlier problems only to run into a new set, generally suggesting further problems with boundary conditions.
After further thought, it occurred to me that it's unrealistic to say that f[t] (now f[r,t]) remains set indefinitely, and that perhaps a useful boundary condition to add is to arrange for it to turn off somewhere at the edge of the grid. So I added this as another condition, along with If statements to modify the f,f derivative boundary conditions to be consistent; i.e. start dropping to the value at the region edge and to avoid conflicts where conditions overlap in r,t:
With[{r0 = 10, b = .81, sigma = 1, rtMax = 100},
eq = -.61728395061722839 f[r,
t] (-f[r, t]^2/r + 4 r Derivative[0, 1][f][r, t]^2)/Sqrt[r^3] +
Derivative[0, 1][rho][r, t] +
f[r, t] Derivative[1, 0][rho][r, t]/Sqrt[r] == 0;
bcs = {rho[r, 0] ==
If[Abs[r - r0] < 10 sigma,
1/(Sqrt[2 Pi] sigma) Exp[-((r - r0)^2/(2 sigma^2))], 0],
rho[rtMax, t] == 0, f[r, 0] == 1, f[rtMax, t] == If[t > 0, .9, 1],
Derivative[1, 0][f][r, t] == If[r < (rtMax - 1), 0, -.1]};
sol = NDSolve[{eq, bcs}, {rho, f}, {r, r0, rtMax}, {t, 0, rtMax}]]
I now get a solution for both rho and f over the full grid with no error messages. Here's the output and a couple plots:
I was trying a number of things to get this/anything to work, so you may find that some of the changes I made aren't compatible with your original problem, or wish to make different choices for how to handle the behavior of f along the r-axis, etc. But at least you have a working baseline now to use as a reference point for further modifications.