1. Example data
I have a data table organized as an Association
of Association
table =
<|"fra" -> <|"19" -> 2359, "20" -> 2181, "21" -> 2321, "22" -> 2378|>,
"gre" -> <|"19" -> 184, "20" -> 167, "21" -> 181, "22" -> 192|>,
"ita" -> <|"19" -> 1729, "20" -> 1574, "21" -> 1684, "22" -> 1745|>,
"por" -> <|"19" -> 200, "20" -> 184, "21" -> 194, "22" -> 207|>,
"spa" -> <|"19" -> 1193, "20" -> 1058, "21" -> 1117, "22" -> 1177|>|>;
table // Dataset
For this table I import monthly updates which have the following form:
update =
{<|"land" -> "gre", "22" -> 192, "23" -> 200|>,
<|"land" -> "alb", "22" -> Missing[_], "23" -> 55|>,
<|"land" -> "por", "22" -> 211, "23" -> 210|>};
update // Dataset
Sometimes values of the preceding year are revised. This is the case with por
. The old value of 207
must be overwritten with 211
. It might also happen that new countries are added. This is the case with alb
2. Current solution
My current solution looks like this:
lands = Union[Keys @ table, update[[All, 1]]];
years = Union[Keys @ table[[1]], Rest @ Keys @ update[[1]]];
missing =
Thread[lands -> Map[AssociationThread[years -> #] &, Table[Missing[], Length @ lands]]];
result =
Merge[{missing, Normal @ table, Normal @ GroupBy[update, First -> Rest, Last]}, Association];
3. Expected result:
result // Dataset
4. Question
The need for the extra missing
table looks somehow amateurish to me, and I feel that a solution using f.e. KeyUnion
or JoinAcross
would be more appropriate. How can my code be improved?