My goal is to draw dots whose positions can be adjusted. I could draw a fixed number of dots, say 2 and 5, like the code below. If the user sets the number of dots, how do I create dots and sliders according to that number?
NumberLinePlot[{a, b}, PlotStyle -> {Black, Red},
PlotRange -> {0, 4}], {{a, 1.5}, 0, 4}, {{b, 1}, 0, 4}]
NumberLinePlot[{a, b, c, d, e}, PlotStyle -> {Black, Red},
PlotRange -> {0, 4}], {{a, 1.5}, 0, 4}, {{b, 1}, 0, 4}, {{c, 1.2},
0, 4}, {{d, 1.3}, 0, 4}, {{e, 1.4}, 0, 4}]