I am currently working on a calculation which can take hours to complete. I have some do loop structure, where each step requires long time. I am able to monitor each of the steps progress. With the Monitoring progress of long calculations post,
xx = xx + 1;
, {xx, 1, 1000000}
];, Grid[{{Text[
Style["Integer Factorization :", Darker[Green, 0.66]]],
ProgressIndicator[xx, {0, 1000000}]}, {Text[
Style["The Progress of n : ", Darker[Green, 0.66]]], n}},
Alignment -> Left, Dividers -> Center]]
I want a monitor for progress of a series expansion
Gamma[d/2 - 2] Gamma[d - 4] Gamma[
d - 6] Gamma[d/2 - 3]/(Gamma[d - 8] Gamma[d/2 - 78])^2 /.
d -> 4 - 2 \[Epsilon]
Now when I am writing
Monitor[Series[%1, {\[Epsilon], 0, 12}];,
Grid[{{Text[Style["Integer Factorization :", Darker[Green, 0.66]]],
ProgressIndicator[\[Epsilon], {1, 10}]}, {Text[
Style["The Progress of n : ", Darker[Green, 0.66]]], n}},
Alignment -> Left, Dividers -> Center]]
But it is not showing the progress bar.How to do this in mathematica?