There are quite a few questions here about continued fractions, so this might be a duplicate, but I honestly could not find what I want.
What I want is, having two polynomials f[t]
, g[t]
, to build from them a continued fraction following the Euclidean algorithm in the standard way. That is, for f[t]==q[t] g[t]+r[t]
with degree of r[t]
strictly less than that of g[t]
, write f[t]/g[t]==q[t]+1/(g[t]/r[t])
and then do the same with g[t]
in place of f[t]
and r[t]
in place of g[t]
repeatedly until reaching zero.
Is there some efficient way to do it? I came up with my own code that seems to work but I am not sure whether it always gives correct answers and whether it can be improved:
confrac[f_,g_,t_]:=If[Exponent[f,t]<Exponent[g,t] \[Or] Exponent[f,t]<1,Factor[f/g],
As requested in a comment, here is some sample output from this:
confrac[t^5 + 2 t + 1, t^2 - 1, t]
t (1+t^2)+1/(1/9 (-1+3 t)-8/(9 (1+3 t)))
confrac[4x^6 t+3x^6 t^2+2x^6 t^3+x^2 t^4+2t+1,x^4 t^2-2x^2 t^3-1,x]
((4+3 t+2 t^2) (2 t+x^2))/t
+1/(-((t^3 (17 t+14 t^2+8 t^3+32 t^5+26 t^6+16 t^7-4 x^2-3 t x^2-2 t^2 x^2
-16 t^4 x^2-13 t^5 x^2-8 t^6 x^2))
/(4+3 t+2 t^2+16 t^4+13 t^5+8 t^6)^2)
-(t (16+24 t+25 t^2+12 t^3-21 t^4-62 t^5-46 t^6-20 t^7-32 t^8-74 t^9
-55 t^10-24 t^11))
/((4+3 t+2 t^2+16 t^4+13 t^5+8 t^6)^2
(9 t+8 t^2+4 t^3+4 x^2+3 t x^2+2 t^2 x^2+16 t^4 x^2+13 t^5 x^2+8 t^6 x^2)))
along with desired outputs for each case. $\endgroup$