
Consider the following sample:

Superscript[w, 1] // MakeBoxes
(* TemplateBox[{"w", "1"}, "Superscript", SyntaxForm -> SuperscriptBox] *)

There's a mysterious SyntaxForm -> SuperscriptBox option in the output. If I understand the (somewhat brief) document of SyntaxForm correctly, it's an option related to precedence of operator, then why is it set in this case?

I try removing the option and MakeExpression, a Superscript[…, …] is still obtained:

TemplateBox[{"w", "1"}, "Superscript"] // MakeExpression
(* HoldComplete[Superscript[w, 1]] *)

Is this option just redundant? If not, can you show me example(s) that the option makes a difference?



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