is, of course, wonderful … but there are LOTS of examples that are simply far too computationally intensive to use live real-time animations for. In such case, one has to use pre-generated graphics. So, let us suppose we have something like:
Table[Plot3D[Cos[x Sin[n y]], {x, 0, 2 Pi}, {y, 0, Pi}], {n, 1, 2, .1}]]
All fine. Then it starts playing … and you grab the plot, and rotate it … and Mma rotates ONE SINGLE plot … and leaves all the others images in the animation as they were … creating a visually absurd animation.
Suggestion: If a user rotates one plot in a grouped animation ... even if they pre-rendered … they should all rotate by the same amount … so the animation will still work as intended.
Any suggestions as to how to overcome this short-coming in the Mma 9 front-end user interface?