
I was trying to fit the following points:

points = {{28.8729, 57.1427}, {28.8752, 57.1733}, {28.8784, 57.2011}, 
 {28.8815, 57.2283}, {28.8816, 57.1297}, {28.8858, 57.1148}, {28.8867, 
  57.2515}, {28.8859, 57.208}, {28.8926, 57.1102}, {28.894, 
  57.2801}, {28.8934, 57.2432}, {28.8991, 57.0976}, {28.9076, 
  57.1042}, {28.9108, 57.3016}, {28.9143, 57.1039}, {28.9135, 
  57.0916}, {28.9191, 57.0501}, {28.9193, 57.3147}, {28.9256, 
  57.0781}, {28.9276, 57.0447}, {28.9356, 57.0395}, {28.9392, 
  57.3384}, {28.9433, 57.0234}, {28.9508, 57.0259}, {28.9582, 
  57.3489}, {28.9621, 57.0147}, {28.9736, 57.0092}, {28.9771, 
  57.3778}, {28.9791, 56.9927}, {28.9913, 56.9889}, {28.9971, 
  57.4146}, {28.9994, 56.9892}, {29.0084, 56.9813}, {29.0108, 
  57.4304}, {29.0166, 56.9784}, {29.0233, 56.9603}, {29.0247, 
  56.9741}, {29.0341, 56.9741}, {29.0425, 56.98}, {29.0495, 
  56.9795}, {29.0581, 56.9782}, {29.0678, 56.9751}, {29.0751, 
  56.9879}, {29.0821, 57.0118}, {29.0915, 57.0134}, {29.1001, 
  57.0207}, {29.1071, 57.0237}, {29.1065, 57.009}};

enter image description here

The objective is to reach a function that fits the points, something similar to this: enter image description here

In my understanding, this looks like a right-pointing parabola:

enter image description here

So I tried this function, but it didn't work (the fit was inaccurate):

curveFit = Plot[57.01032231556321` + 
    4.524767722795246` *(-29.0814390274144`+x)^2,
   {x,28,29.33}, PlotStyle -> Orange]; 
Show[points, curveFit]

enter image description here

So I decided to try to fit an ellipse or circle instead, but I don't know how to do it in an automated way (maybe like a Monte Carlo simulation). So I drew an ellipse on top of the points:

h=29.01(*x-coordinate of the center*);
k=57.175(*y-coordinate of the center*);
a=0.13(*radius along the x-axis*);
b=0.2(*radius along the y-axis*);
ellipse=ParametricPlot[{h+a Cos[t], k+b Sin[t]},
  {t,0,2 Pi}, PlotRange->All, AxesLabel->{"x","y"},
  AxesOrigin -> {h-a, k-b}, PlotStyle->Orange]
Show[ellipse, points]

enter image description here

I hope anyone can guide me on the right way to proceed.

  • 7
    $\begingroup$ Without points, I doubt anyone can verify their candidate method. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jul 31, 2023 at 22:14
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Can you make the data available and mention how it was generated? For example, are these points sequential in time? In other words are there really 3 variables (x, y, and time)? $\endgroup$
    – JimB
    Commented Jul 31, 2023 at 22:14
  • $\begingroup$ Cross-posted at community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/2980791. $\endgroup$
    – JimB
    Commented Aug 1, 2023 at 15:55
  • $\begingroup$ Can you supply more specifics about your objective in "fitting" ? Here are some examples: (1) If the objective is to provide a curve that is an approximation of the data with a formula (parabola, ellipse, or something else), how close must that approximation be? (2) If the objective is to predict future points, what is the mechanism for generating the current data and future data? (3) If the objective is "I'll know it when I see it", then know that we can't read your mind (based on your statement: "But still, these two approaches are not the 'best fit', it just a better guess."). $\endgroup$
    – JimB
    Commented Aug 2, 2023 at 16:07

3 Answers 3


Here is approach based on this answer

Data provided:

data = {{28.8729, 57.1427}, {28.8752, 57.1733}, {28.8784, 
    57.2011}, {28.8815, 57.2283}, {28.8816, 57.1297}, {28.8858, 
    57.1148}, {28.8867, 57.2515}, {28.8859, 57.208}, {28.8926, 
    57.1102}, {28.894, 57.2801}, {28.8934, 57.2432}, {28.8991, 
    57.0976}, {28.9076, 57.1042}, {28.9108, 57.3016}, {28.9143, 
    57.1039}, {28.9135, 57.0916}, {28.9191, 57.0501}, {28.9193, 
    57.3147}, {28.9256, 57.0781}, {28.9276, 57.0447}, {28.9356, 
    57.0395}, {28.9392, 57.3384}, {28.9433, 57.0234}, {28.9508, 
    57.0259}, {28.9582, 57.3489}, {28.9621, 57.0147}, {28.9736, 
    57.0092}, {28.9771, 57.3778}, {28.9791, 56.9927}, {28.9913, 
    56.9889}, {28.9971, 57.4146}, {28.9994, 56.9892}, {29.0084, 
    56.9813}, {29.0108, 57.4304}, {29.0166, 56.9784}, {29.0233, 
    56.9603}, {29.0247, 56.9741}, {29.0341, 56.9741}, {29.0425, 
    56.98}, {29.0495, 56.9795}, {29.0581, 56.9782}, {29.0678, 
    56.9751}, {29.0751, 56.9879}, {29.0821, 57.0118}, {29.0915, 
    57.0134}, {29.1001, 57.0207}, {29.1071, 57.0237}, {29.1065, 

Fitting ellipse:

ref = {#1^2, #1, #2, 2 #1 #2, #2^2} & @@@ data;
ell = LinearModelFit[ref, {1, a, b, c, d}, {a, b, c, d}]
ellipse[x_, y_] := 
 ell["BestFitParameters"] . {1, x^2, x, y, 2 x y} - y^2
ContourPlot[ellipse[x, y] == 0, {x, 28.5, 29.5}, {y, 56.9, 57.6}, 
 Epilog -> Point[data]]

enter image description here

The equation for ellipse: $1.87924 x^2-0.137714 x y-101.268 x+y^2-110.396 y+4627.53=0$


If the objective is to draw a relatively smooth curve through the points, then finding a "parametric" equation that predicts both the $X$ and $Y$ coordinate from a single predictor might be considered.

(* Divide the data into two parts *)
data1 = Select[data, #[[2]] > 57.15 &];
data2 = Select[data, #[[2]] <= 57.15 &];
ListPlot[{data1, data2}]

Data divided into two parts

(* Now sort each part and join back together *)
data1 = Sort[data1, #1[[1]] > #2[[1]] &];
data2 = Sort[data2, #1[[1]] < #2[[1]] &];
data0 = Join[data1, data2];
ListPlot[data0, Joined -> True]

Data joined in a specified order

(* Fit both the x and y coordinates in "time" order *)
n = Length[data0];
lmx = LinearModelFit[data0[[All, 1]], {x, x^2, x^3, x^4}, x]
lmy = LinearModelFit[data0[[All, 2]], {y, y^2}, y]
f[t_] := {lmx[t], lmy[t]}
ListPlot[{data0, Table[f[t], {t, 1, n, 0.1}]}, 
 Joined -> {False, True}, PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.02], PlotRange -> All]

Data and fit

Now you have a function f[t] that will approximate the points where the predicted coordinates are found with a value of t from 1 to 48 (with 48 being the number of data points).

(* {29.0452 - 0.028983 t + 0.00160732 t^2 - 0.0000303339 t^3 + 2.09131*10^-7 t^4,
    57.4545 - 0.024639 t + 0.000322699 t^2} *)

If the objective is to predict future data points, then describing the data generation process for the original and future data is necessary.


FYI, the reason your fit was "inaccurate" is that your data is not a function of x. Switch the x and y points and refit. You'll get something closer, but the data is also not a function of y.

rpoints = Transpose[{points[[All, 2]], points[[All, 1]]}]; 
curve = Fit[rpoints, {y^2, y, 1}, y]; 
 ParametricPlot[{curve, y}, {y, 56, 58}, PlotStyle -> Orange]]

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