Log[a, x + 1] > Log[a, x - 1]
the inequality above is equation holds good under all circumstances
You can see the range of x
In[52]:= ForAll[x, x > 1, Log[a, x + 1] > Log[a, x - 1]]
Resolve[%, Reals]
Reduce[%, a, Reals]
Out[52]= \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[ForAll]\), \(x, x > 1\)]\(
\*FractionBox[\(Log[1 + x]\), \(Log[a]\)] >
\*FractionBox[\(Log[\(-1\) + x]\), \(Log[a]\)]\)\)
Out[53]= Log[a] > 0
Out[54]= a > 1
How to simultaneously determine the range of x and base a when an inequality with logarithms holds?