I am trying to evaluate a code of the Power Series Solution method to get the results. Also, the time of evaluation depends on the parameters I am using. When the iteration point is 50, 60, or 80, it takes less time(10 mins to 1 hour) than when the iteration point is 100 or 120(like two to three days). So is there any code that makes it faster to get the result? Here is an example. When I am giving the iteration value 100, it takes two days whereas in the case of 40, 50, or 80 it takes 15-20 mins, and for smaller values of $qE$ it takes very large time.
g[x_] = (1 +
1/(4 a^4) (8 a^2 (a z - Log[1 + a z]) + (-2 a^2 + qE^2 +
qM^2) (a z (6 - a z) + 2 (-3 - 2 a z + a^2 z^2) Log[1 + a z] +
2 Log[1 + a z]^2) +
2 a^2 (a z (4 - a z) + 2 Log[z] (a z (-2 + a z) + 2 Log[1 + a z]) +
4 PolyLog[2, -a z])) -
1/(a zh (-2 + a zh) +
2 Log[1 + a zh]) (a z (-2 + a z) + 2 Log[1 + a z]) (1 +
1/(4 a^4) (8 a^2 (a zh - Log[1 + a zh]) + (-2 a^2 + qE^2 +
qM^2) (a zh (6 - a zh) +
2 (-3 - 2 a zh + a^2 zh^2) Log[1 + a zh] +
2 Log[1 + a zh]^2) +
2 a^2 (a zh (4 - a zh) +
2 Log[zh] (a zh (-2 + a zh) + 2 Log[1 + a zh]) +
4 PolyLog[2, -a zh])))) /. z -> x /. zh -> xh;
A[x_] = -Log[1 + a x];
F[x_] = g[x]/x^2;
G[x_] = g[x]/(x^2 Exp[2 A[x]])
(* (1/(x^2))(1 + a x)^2 (1 + (
8 a^2 (a x - Log[1 + a x]) + (-2 a^2 + qE^2 + qM^2) (a x (6 - a x) +
2 (-3 - 2 a x + a^2 x^2) Log[1 + a x] + 2 Log[1 + a x]^2) +
2 a^2 (a x (4 - a x) + 2 Log[x] (a x (-2 + a x) + 2 Log[1 + a x]) +
4 PolyLog[2, -a x]))/(
4 a^4) - ((a x (-2 + a x) + 2 Log[1 + a x]) (1 + (
8 a^2 (a xh - Log[1 + a xh]) + (-2 a^2 + qE^2 +
qM^2) (a xh (6 - a xh) + 2 (-3 - 2 a xh + a^2 xh^2) Log[1 + a xh] +
2 Log[1 + a xh]^2) +
2 a^2 (a xh (4 - a xh) +
2 Log[xh] (a xh (-2 + a xh) + 2 Log[1 + a xh]) +
4 PolyLog[2, -a xh]))/(4 a^4)))/(a xh (-2 + a xh) + 2 Log[1 + a xh])
) *)
Scoeff = -((x^4 G[x])/(x - xh));
Scoeffa0 = Series[Scoeff, {a, 0, 0}] // Normal
(* -((x^2 (-4 x^2 - 4 x xh - 4 xh^2 - 4 x^2 xh^2 + qE^2 x^3 xh^3 +
qM^2 x^3 xh^3))/(4 xh^3)) *)
Scoeffa0 /. qE -> 0 /. qM -> 0 // Expand
(* x^4/xh^3 + x^3/xh^2 + x^2/xh + x^4/xh *)
tcoeff = -2 x^3 G[x] - 2 I x^2 ω Sqrt[G[x]/F[x]] - (
x^4 G[x] Derivative[1][F][x])/(2 F[x]) - 1/2 x^4 Derivative[1][G][x];
tcoeffa0 = Series[tcoeff, {a, 0, 0}] // Normal // Expand
(* -2 x^3 - qE^2 x^5 - qM^2 x^5 + (3 x^4)/xh^3 + (3 x^4)/xh + 3/4 qE^2 x^4 xh + 3/4 qM^2 x^4 xh - 2 I x^2 ω *)
ucoeff = L x^3 + L^2 x^3 - L x^2 xh - L^2 x^2 xh - (
x^4 G[x] Derivative[1][F][x])/(2 F[x]) + (
x^3 xh G[x] Derivative[1][F][x])/(2 F[x]) - 1/2 x^4 Derivative[1][G][x] +
1/2 x^3 xh Derivative[1][G][x] // Simplify;
ucoeffa0 = Series[ucoeff, {a, 0, 0}] // Normal // Expand;
QNM Calculation
Clear[qE, qM, s, t, u, Sn, Tn, Un, P, aa, ex, expressao, rh, xh]
L = 0;
qM = 0;
qE = 5;
rh = 2; xh = 1/rh;
s[x_] = Scoeffa0 // Simplify
t[x_, ω_] = tcoeffa0 // Simplify
u[x_] = ucoeffa0 // Simplify
1/4 x^2 (8 + 16 x + 40 x^2 - 25 x^3)
-2 x^3 + (315 x^4)/8 - 25 x^5 - 2 I x^2 ω
-1 + 2 x - (105 x^3)/16 + (155 x^4)/8 - (25 x^5)/2 *)
Sn = Function[n, SeriesCoefficient[Series[s[x], {x, xh, n}], n]];
Tn = Function[n, SeriesCoefficient[Series[t[x, ω], {x, xh, n}], n]];
Un = Function[n, SeriesCoefficient[Series[u[x], {x, xh, n}], n]];
P = Function[{n, ω}, n (n - 1) Sn[0] + n Tn[0]];
Clear[aa, Nit, ex]
aa[0] = 1;
Nit = 100;
aa[n_] :=
aa[n] = Simplify[-1/
P[n, ω] Sum[(k (k - 1) Sn[n - k] + k Tn[n - k] + Un[n - k]) aa[
k], {k, 0, n - 1}]];
ex[n_] := ex[n] = Sum[aa[i]*(-xh)^i, {i, 0, n}];
expressao := Sum[aa[i]*(-xh)^(i), {i, 0, Nit}]
QNMs = FindRoot[expressao == 0, {ω, 100 - 200*I}, AccuracyGoal -> 10][[1]][[2]]
wroots = SolveValues[expressao == 0, ω] // N```
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