I have imported an excel file Data=Import["data.xlsx"] which gives the output like this:
{{{"Q", "R0", "m"}, {3, 1, 3.83171}, {4, 1.05, 7.01559}, {7, 1.1,10.1735}, {10, 1.15,13.3237}}}
I wish to evaluate the integrals u and w for each Q, R0 and m, and export the obtained results:
u[R0_, m_]:= Integrate[BesselJ[0, (m/R0)*R]*(Cosh[4*z]/Cosh[2] - Cos[4*z]/Cos[2]), {z, -(1/2), 1/2},{R, 0, R0}]
w[Q_, R0_, m_]:= Q*u[R0, m]
What I have done so far is to evaluate them one-by-one. How can I do this more efficiently? Any help would be really appreciated.