
When working with large expressions I sometimes mistakenly ask Mathematica to show some output which causes the front end to hang. Sometimes it just needs to format notebook contents but sometimes, it seems like it hangs forever. In both scenarios it would be handy if I could either

  • just save the notebook and restart the kernel, or
  • recover the data that is relevant and restart the kernel.

Is there any way to achieve this when the front end hangs?

I don't expect there to be a solution that always works (since the kernel might hang as well) but something in the form of opening a new notebook and starting a sub-session to recover some definitions would already be great.


2 Answers 2


I've never known there to be a solution to a hanging Front End. With new versions comes new functionality, so maybe there is or there will be.

Before I address the Front End, you can stop the Kernel from sending more updates to the Front End in several ways:

  • Menu Evaluation > Abort Evaluation. (Front End must be responsive.)
  • Menu Evaluation > Quit Kernel > Local. (Front End must be responsive.)
  • Use your computers process manager or activity monitor to kill the Kernel.

Generally, the Front End will continue running. (I have had the Front End crash when I kill the Kernel in older versions, but this is less common with recent versions.) However, the Front End will continue to process input it has already received from the Kernel, and this could potentially be a very large amount of input.

There is no Front End "Abort Notebook Update" menu command.

One reason why I expect never to see such function: If the Front End is nonresponsive, it cannot actually receive any input event. The menus do not work. The "Abort Evaluation" keyboard shortcut does not work. Sometimes the OS lets you queue an input, but it won't have an effect until the Front End receives and processes it. I have had to wait a few minutes before the Front End gets to it, which will be after it finishes whatever task(s) it was handling before I tried to abort. It's probably worth it to send feedback to WRI to ask them to improve the behavior. For instance, the Kernel could put up a dialog before sending a potentially overwhelming output to the Front End.

A reason why one might expect to see it at some point: A notebook has a certain syntax. If a file has the wrong syntax, then it is likely Mathematica will not recognize it as a notebook. Perhaps it can do some repair. For instance, the "AuthorTools`" package has the NotebookRestore[] palette, which is irrelevant to the task at hand. However, the point is that once the Front End starts making a change to a notebook, it cannot stop — unless it can revert to the original upon an abort signal. Since we have "undo," one feels this should be possible. Those of us who saw how long it took to work out the intricacies of notebook-undo may feel this is easier said than done. It also assumes the first problem can be solved.


Each of the following suggestions has to be put in place before you have made the mistake of asking for too much output. Each handles the case of a single output that is too large. Neither handles the case of too many small outputs. I don't have a suggest for that. I should disclose something about the second suggestion, which uses $Post. You will see it, $Pre, $PrePrint used in some answers. I pretty much never use them myself, except maybe in a one-off execution. Ineveitably, something will come up, and when I get back to Mathematica I would have forgotten that I set it. Then occasionally confusing things will happen because of it, and it will take me a long time to realize what's wrong.

1. The system has a built-in check on the size of outputs, namely, $OutputSizeLimit, one megabyte by default. You could make it smaller. The output is still processed by the Front End and displayed in a shortened form.

2. To avoid processing of the output by the Front End, intercept the output with $Post and send it on only if it's small. The code below uses $OutputSizeLimit, but you could use your own variable to set a different limit. One might also consider using LeafCount[#] > $myLeafCountLimit for a limit, after setting a convenient value for $myLeafCountLimit.

$myLargeOutputs::toobig = 
  "Output too big. Saved in $myLargeOutputs[``]. Be sure to execute Unset[$myLargeOutputs[``]] or Clear[$myLargeOutputs] after you are done with it to free memory.";
$Post = If[TrueQ[ByteCount[#] > $OutputSizeLimit],
    Message[$myLargeOutputs::toobig, $Line, $Line];
    $myLargeOutputs[$Line] = #;
    With[{line = $Line}, Defer[$myLargeOutputs[line]]],
    #] &;

RandomInteger[1, 10^6]

$myLargeOutputs::toobig: Output too big. Saved in $myLargeOutputs[4]. Be sure to execute Unset[$myLargeOutputs[4]] or Clear[$myLargeOutputs] after you are done with it to free memory.

(*  $myLargeOutputs[4]  *)

Should you want to inspect the expression anyway, the following gets around $Post, since the return value of CellPrint[] is Null after printing a cell to the evaluation notebook. One could also use Print[Short[$myLargeOutputs[4]]].

CellPrint[ExpressionCell[Short[$myLargeOutputs[4]], "Output"]]

Short form of a list of 0/1 integers

Another way to see the output is to raise the $OutputSizeLimit:

$OutputSizeLimit = Infinity;
$OutputSizeLimit = 2^20; (* reset to 1MB *)

Short form of a list of 0/1 integers

If you accumulate many large outputs, you may have memory problems eventually.

myResult = $myLargeOutput[4]; (* save one or more outputs (optional) *)
Clear[$myLargeOutput]         (* clear the rest *)

3. This third suggestion seems simpler but has some drawbacks. The following controls how the output is printed to the notebook, but the output is processed by the Front End. Clear $Post first, if you have set it. There's no point to using both.

$PrePrint = If[TrueQ[ByteCount[#] > $OutputSizeLimit],
    #] &; 

This freezes the Front End for ~30 sec., but % can be used:

RandomInteger[1, 10^9] (* BEWARE: Freezes Front End ~30 sec *)

(*  500012762  *)

There are three stages of "hang" depending on size of RAM of your machine and speed pf HDD or SSD.

  1. Working but not ending: Try Task manager to view CPU activity, memory use and HDD activity. If HDD is active and memory low you can stop by key "Alt+." or in the Evaluation menu

  2. Not responding to "Alt+." Try the Save menu or click right a Cell and select all cells by key "Ctrl+a" and try to save by a right click.

  3. If the Mathematica window stalls becoming opaque, try to kill the subkernel in task manager, but keep the notebook kernel running. Needs some experience, so on should train it first with some impossible task.

  4. No key or mouse working? Press power off 6 sec.


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