The equation can be reduced to a (complex) quadratic equation in four variables. One may obtain one variable in terms of the other three, but one may not obtain two of the variables in terms of the other two, as requested by the OP.
eqn = EllipticE[1/(1 + 16*(ja*me + jb*mo)^2)] +
16*(ja*me + jb*mo)^2*EllipticK[1/(1 + 16*(ja*me + jb*mo)^2)] == 0;
(* reduction to a quadratic equation *)
ueqn = eqn /. First@Solve[u == 16*(ja*me + jb*mo)^2, ja] // Simplify
(* EllipticE[1/(1 + u)] + u EllipticK[1/(1 + u)] == 0 *)
usol = Solve[ueqn && -2 < u < -1, u]
eqn2 = Replace[
usol, {{r_Rule}} :> (Equal @@ r /.
First@Solve[u == 16*(ja*me + jb*mo)^2, u])]
{{u -> Root[{EllipticE[1/(1 + #1)] +
EllipticK[1/(1 + #1)] #1 &, -1.665807876436924963209380412862432}]}}
(* quadratic equation *)
16 (ja me + jb mo)^2 ==
Root[{EllipticE[1/(1 + #1)] +
EllipticK[1/(1 + #1)] #1 &, -1.665807876436924963209380412862432}]
Note the exact Root[]
object is negative, which means the solutions are complex. The solution space is a three-dimensional complex manifold (six real dimensions) in four-dimensional complex space (eight real dimensions). I don't know how one would graphically represent such a solution space, but algebraically, it is not hard to deal with.
Numerical/graphical evidence of only one solution
One solution to ueqn
inside Abs[u] <= 2.5
ComplexPlot3D[EllipticE[1/(1 + u)] + u EllipticK[1/(1 + u)],
{u, -3 - 3 I, 3 + 3 I},
ColorFunction -> {ColorData["Rainbow"][Clip[#7/4]] &, None}
, ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
MeshFunctions -> {Re[#1] & , Im[#1] & , Abs[#1] &}
, Mesh -> {{0, -1, -2}, {0}, {2.5}}
, MeshStyle -> {Automatic, Automatic, Thick},
PlotRange -> {0, 10}],
ComplexPlot3D[0, {u, -3 - 3 I, 3 + 3 I},
ColorFunction -> {RGBColor[0.5, 0.75, 1., 0.5] &, None},
ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
MeshFunctions -> {Re[#1] & , Im[#2] & }, PlotRange -> {0, 10}]
No solutions outside `Abs[u] 5/u`):
ComplexPlot3D[EllipticE[1/(1 + 5/u)] + 5/u EllipticK[1/(1 + 5/u)],
{u, -3 - 3 I, 3 + 3 I},
ColorFunction -> {ColorData["Rainbow"][Clip[#7/4]] &, None}
, ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
MeshFunctions -> {Re[5/#1] & , Im[5/#1] & , Abs[5/#1] &}
, Mesh -> {{0, -1, -2}, {0}, {2.5}}
, MeshStyle -> {Automatic, Automatic, Thick}]
It is probably not hard to prove that there are no other solutions,
but I'll leave that to others.
For instance,
EllipticE[1/(1 + u)]
and EllipticK[1/(1 + u)]
are bounded for u
sufficiently large, of course. In fact, EllipticE[1/(1 + 5/u)] + 5/u EllipticK[1/(1 + 5/u)
is asymptotic to (Pi/2) u
, so there are no zeros for large u
. It's likely that an analytical solution might not be available, but it should be possible to find one numerically, if one exists. Have you tried some plotting to just get an idea of a good starting guess for root finding? $\endgroup$(ja*me + jb*mo)
can't find something I try things likePlot
and variations ofMinimize
to see if I can convince myself there is no root. $\endgroup$