There is a system that has the following Hamiltonian: $H=-\frac{1}{2}\Delta-\frac{1}{r}+\frac{B^2}{8}\rho^2-\frac{B}{2} (m + 2 m_s)$, where $r=(\rho,z,\phi), B=5, m=0, m_s=-1/2$. To find the eigenvalues, I would like to use Gaussian functions as a basis set.
The basis set: $\psi_{ij}=e^{-b_{j} z^2}e^{-a_{i} \rho^2}$ , where $a_{i}=a_1 * qa^{i-1}$, $i=1, 2 ,3,..., i_{max}$ and $b_{j}=b_1 * qb^{j-1}$, $j=1, 2 ,3,..., j_{max}$ are geometrical progressions.
I would like to minimize the sum of eigenvalues of the system (minimization in four parameters $a_1, b_1, qa, qb$).
Below is the code in which I am trying to find the eigenvalues of the system Eigenvalues[{EE[a1, b1, qa, qb], normm[a1, b1, qa, qb]}]
If I understand correctly, then the Mathematica cannot find the eigenvalues due to the complicated expressions. Is there any other way to find the sum of the eigenvalues (In order to further minimize)?
In the code I rename $\rho\equiv r$
imax = 3; jmax = 5;
geoseq[init_, r_, n_] := init*r^(n - 1);
Psi[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_, r_, z_, i_, j_] :=
Exp[-geoseq[b1, qb, j]*z^2]*Exp[-geoseq[a1, qa, i]*r^2];
Kk[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_, r_, z_, i1_, j1_, i2_, j2_] =
Psi[a1, b1, qa, qb, r, z, i2, j2]*
Laplacian[Psi[a1, b1, qa, qb, r, z, i1, j1], {r, \[Theta], z},
Kk1[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_, i1_, j1_, i2_, j2_] = -1/2 2 Pi*
Kk[a1, b1, qa, qb, r, z, i1, j1, i2, j2] r, {r,
0, \[Infinity]}, {z, -Infinity, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {a1 > 0, b1 > 0, qa > 0, qb > 0, i1 > 0, j1 > 0,
i2 > 0, j2 > 0}];
Kx[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_] =
Table[ Kk1[a1, b1, qa, qb, i1, j1, i2, j2], {i1, 1, imax}, {i2, 1,
imax}, {j1, 1, jmax}, {j2, 1, jmax}];
KK[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_] = Flatten[Kx[a1, b1, qa, qb], {{1, 3}, {2, 4}}];
B = 5; m = 0; ms = -1/2;
VC[r_, z_] := -1/Sqrt[r^2 + z^2];
Px1[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_, i1_, j1_, i2_, j2_] =
2 Pi*Integrate[
Psi[a1, b1, qa, qb, r, z, i2,
j2] *(VC[r, z] + 1/8 B^2 r^2 + B/2 (m + 2 ms))*
Psi[a1, b1, qa, qb, r, z, i1, j1]*r, {r,
0, \[Infinity]}, {z, -Infinity, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {a1 > 0, b1 > 0, qa > 0, qb > 0, i1 > 0, j1 > 0,
i2 > 0, j2 > 0}];
Px[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_] =
Table[Px1[a1, b1, qa, qb, i1, j1, i2, j2], {i1, 1, imax}, {i2, 1,
imax}, {j1, 1, jmax}, {j2, 1, jmax}];
PP[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_] = Flatten[Px[a1, b1, qa, qb], {{1, 3}, {2, 4}}];
EE[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_] = KK[a1, b1, qa, qb] + PP[a1, b1, qa, qb];
int[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_, i1_, j1_, i2_, j2_] =
2 Pi *Integrate[
Psi[a1, b1, qa, qb, r, z, i2, j2] *
Psi[a1, b1, qa, qb, r, z, i1, j1] r, {r,
0, \[Infinity]}, {z, -Infinity, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {a1 > 0, b1 > 0, qa > 0, qb > 0, i1 > 0, j1 > 0,
i2 > 0, j2 > 0}];
norm[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_] =
Table[int[a1, b1, qa, qb, i1, j1, i2, j2], {i1, 1, imax}, {i2, 1,
imax}, {j1, 1, jmax}, {j2, 1, jmax}];
normm[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_] =
Flatten[norm[a1, b1, qa, qb], {{1, 3}, {2, 4}}];
Eigenvalues[{EE[a1, b1, qa, qb], normm[a1, b1, qa, qb]}]
Eigenvalues[{EE[a1, b1, qa, qb], normm[a1, b1, qa, qb]}]
But unfortunately Mathematica does not diagonalize this expression $\endgroup$a1, b1, qa, qb
). And then minimize this expression. But the problem is that Mathematica cannot do the inversion operation for the matrices greater thanimax=3, jmax=4