This is answer for the first question about titanium and nickel usage in one installation, and for the last question about how to speed up evaluation. First step is a mesh generation and visualization with FEM
barX = 0.0100;
barY = 0.0015;
barZ = 0.1000;
supportX = 0.0750;
supportY = 0.0050;
supportZ = 0.0010;
barSolid =
Cuboid[{-(barX/2), -(barY/2), -(barZ/2)}, {(barX/2), (barY/
2), (barZ/2)}];
supportASolid =
Cuboid[{-(supportX/2), -supportY - (barY/2), -(supportZ/
2)}, {(supportX/2), -(barY/2), (supportZ/2)}];
supportBSolid =
Cuboid[{-(supportX/2), (barY/2), -(supportZ/2)}, {(supportX/
2), (barY/2) + supportY, (supportZ/2)}];
reg = RegionUnion[barSolid, supportASolid, supportBSolid];
mesh = ToElementMesh[reg, "MeshOrder" -> 1, MaxCellMeasure -> 10^-6];
Second step is material property definition
en1 = Entity["Element", "Titanium"];
en2 = Entity["Element", "Nickel"];
param1 =
en1[{"YoungModulus", "PoissonRatio", "MassDensity"}]]
param2 =
en2[{"YoungModulus", "PoissonRatio", "MassDensity"}]]
Please pay attention that en1, en2
have mixed bases so that if we evaluate for example en1
then we have
en1[{"YoungModulus", "PoissonRatio", "MassDensity"}]
Out[]= {Quantity[116., "Gigapascals"], 0.32,
Quantity[4.507, ("Grams")/("Centimeters")^3]}
For frequencies simulation we need Young modulus in Pa, while mass density in $kg/m^3$.Therefore we define parameters in different regions as follows
cons = (-barX/2 <= x <= barX/2 && -barY/2 <= y <=
barY/2 && -barZ/2 <= z <= barZ/2); Y =
With[{Y1 = 10^9 param1[[1]], Y2 = 10^9 param2[[1]]},
If[cons, Y1, Y2]]; \[Nu] =
With[{n1 = param1[[2]], n2 = param2[[2]]},
If[cons, n1, n2]]; \[Rho] =
With[{r1 = 10^3 param1[[3]], r2 = 10^3 param2[[3]]},
If[cons, r1, r2]];
Here we use With
since we can't use If
directly with FEM due to compilation problem. Last step
tvars = {{u[t, x, y, z], v[t, x, y, z], w[t, x, y, z]},
t, {x, y, z}};
constraintA =
DirichletCondition[{u[t, x, y, z] == 0, v[t, x, y, z] == 0,
w[t, x, y, z] ==
0}, (x^2 <= (barX/2)^2 && y^2 == (barY/2)^2 &&
z^2 <= (supportZ/2)^2) || (x^2 >= (supportX/2)^2 &&
y^2 >= (barY/2)^2 && z^2 <= (supportZ/2)^2)];
op = SolidMechanicsPDEComponent[{{u[t, x, y, z], v[t, x, y, z],
w[t, x, y, z]}, t, {x, y, z}},
Join[<|"YoungModulus" -> Y, "PoissonRatio" -> \[Nu],
"MassDensity" -> \[Rho]|>]];
{evals, evecs} =
NDEigensystem[{op == {0, 0, 0}, constraintA}, tvars[[1]],
t, {x, y, z} \[Element] mesh, 6];
Re[Sqrt[evals]/(2 Pi)]
(*Out[]= {9.90091, 9.90091, 10.1875, 10.1875, 16.6058, 16.6058}*)
Visualization of first and fifth modes
{DensityPlot3D[evecs[[1, 1]], {x, y, z} \[Element] mesh,
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", OpacityFunction -> None, Boxed -> False,
Axes -> False, BoxRatios -> Automatic,
PlotLabel -> "Titanium-Nickel"],
DensityPlot3D[evecs[[5, 1]], {x, y, z} \[Element] mesh,
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", OpacityFunction -> None, Boxed -> False,
Axes -> False, BoxRatios -> Automatic,
PlotLabel -> "Titanium-Nickel"]}
Update 1. The answer for the second question about copper-nickel installation:
barX = 0.0100;
barY = 0.0030;
barZ = 0.1000;
supportX = 0.06000;
supportY = 0.00150;
supportZ = 0.00100;
barSolid =
Cuboid[{-(barX/2), -(barY/2), -(barZ/2)}, {(barX/2), (barY/
2), (barZ/2)}];
supportASolid =
Cuboid[{-(supportX/2), -supportY - (barY/2), -(supportZ/
2)}, {(supportX/2), -(barY/2), (supportZ/2)}];
supportBSolid =
Cuboid[{-(supportX/2), (barY/2), -(supportZ/2)}, {(supportX/
2), (barY/2) + supportY, (supportZ/2)}];
solid = RegionUnion[barSolid, supportASolid, supportBSolid];
mesh = ToElementMesh[solid, "MeshOrder" -> 1,
MaxCellMeasure -> {"Volume" -> 5*^-10}, MeshQualityGoal -> 1,
"MeshElementType" -> "HexahedronElement"]
en1 = Entity["Element", "Copper"];
en2 = Entity["Element", "Nickel"];
param1 =
en1[{"YoungModulus", "PoissonRatio", "MassDensity", "ShearModulus"}]]
param2 =
en2[{"YoungModulus", "PoissonRatio", "MassDensity", "ShearModulus"}]]
cons = (-barX/2 <= x <= barX/2 && -barY/2 <= y <= barY/2 && -barZ/2 <=
z <= barZ/2); Y1 =
With[{y1 = 10^9 param1[[1]], y2 = 10^9 param2[[1]]},
If[cons, y1, y2]]; G1 =
With[{g1 = 10^9 param1[[4]], g2 = 10^9 param2[[4]]},
If[cons, g1, g2]]; \[Nu]1 =
With[{n1 = param1[[2]], n2 = param2[[2]]},
If[cons, n1, n2]]; \[Rho]1 =
With[{r1 = 10^3 param1[[3]], r2 = 10^3 param2[[3]]},
If[cons, r1, r2]];
param1 =
en1[{"YoungModulus", "PoissonRatio", "MassDensity", "ShearModulus"}]]
param2 =
en2[{"YoungModulus", "PoissonRatio", "MassDensity", "ShearModulus"}]]
cons = (-barX/2 <= x <= barX/2 && -barY/2 <= y <= barY/2 && -barZ/2 <=
z <= barZ/2); Y1 =
With[{y1 = 10^9 param1[[1]], y2 = 10^9 param2[[1]]},
If[cons, y1, y2]]; G1 =
With[{g1 = 10^9 param1[[4]], g2 = 10^9 param2[[4]]},
If[cons, g1, g2]]; \[Nu]1 =
With[{n1 = param1[[2]], n2 = param2[[2]]},
If[cons, n1, n2]]; \[Rho]1 =
With[{r1 = 10^3 param1[[3]], r2 = 10^3 param2[[3]]},
If[cons, r1, r2]];
(*compliance matrix in general case*)
D0 = {{1/Subscript[Y, x*x], -(Subscript[\[Nu], y*x]/Subscript[Y, y*y]), -(Subscript[\[Nu], z*x]/Subscript[Y, z*z]), 0, 0, 0},
{-(Subscript[\[Nu], x*y]/Subscript[Y, x*x]), 1/Subscript[Y, y*y], -(Subscript[\[Nu], z*y]/Subscript[Y, z*z]), 0, 0, 0},
{-(Subscript[\[Nu], x*z]/Subscript[Y, x*x]), -(Subscript[\[Nu], y*z]/Subscript[Y, y*y]), 1/Subscript[Y, z*z], 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 1/Subscript[G, y*z], 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1/Subscript[G, x*z], 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/Subscript[G, x*y]}}; Compliance matrix in this case
mat = D0 /. {Subscript[Y, x*x] -> Y1, Subscript[Y, y*y] -> Y1,
Subscript[Y, z*z] -> Y1, Subscript[\[Nu], y*x] -> \[Nu]1,
Subscript[\[Nu], z*x] -> \[Nu]1, Subscript[\[Nu], x*y] -> \[Nu]1,
Subscript[\[Nu], z*y] -> \[Nu]1, Subscript[\[Nu], x*z] -> \[Nu]1,
Subscript[\[Nu], y*z] -> \[Nu]1, Subscript[G, y*z] -> G1,
Subscript[G, x*z] -> G1, Subscript[G, x*y] -> G1};
Compliance matrix test
mat /. {x -> 0, y -> 0, z -> 0}
(*Out[]= {{7.69*10^-12, -2.6*10^-12, -2.6*10^-12, 0, 0,
0}, {-2.6*10^-12, 7.69*10^-12, -2.6*10^-12, 0, 0,
0}, {-2.6*10^-12, -2.6*10^-12, 7.69*10^-12, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
2.1*10^-11, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 2.1*10^-11, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
mat /. {x -> 0, y -> (barY/2) + supportY/2, z -> 0}
(*Out[]= {{5.0*10^-12, -1.6*10^-12, -1.6*10^-12, 0, 0,
0}, {-1.6*10^-12, 5.0*10^-12, -1.6*10^-12, 0, 0,
0}, {-1.6*10^-12, -1.6*10^-12, 5.0*10^-12, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
1.3*10^-11, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1.3*10^-11, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Eigen system computation
tvars = {{u[t, x, y, z], v[t, x, y, z], w[t, x, y, z]}, t, {x, y, z}};
pars = <|"MaterialModel" -> "LinearElasticAnisotropic",
"MassDensity" -> \[Rho]1, "ComplianceMatrix" -> mat|>;
eigenmodeOperator =
Join[pars, <|"AnalysisType" -> "Eigenmode"|>]];
constraintB =
x^2 >= (supportX/2)^2 && y^2 >= (barY/2)^2 &&
z^2 <= (supportZ/2)^2, tvars, pars];
{evals, evecs} =
NDEigensystem[{eigenmodeOperator == {0, 0, 0}, constraintB},
tvars[[1]], t, {x, y, z} \[Element] mesh, 6];
eigenfrequencies = Re[Sqrt[evals]/(2 Pi)]
(*Out[]= {155.855, 319.74, 513.075, 551.638, 1642.23, 2346.6}*)
evecs[[1, 1]] // Re // Evaluate, {x, y, z} \[Element] mesh,
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", OpacityFunction -> None, Boxed -> False,
Axes -> False, BoxRatios -> Automatic,
PlotLabel -> "Copper-Nickel"],
evecs[[5, 1]] // Re // Evaluate, {x, y, z} \[Element] mesh,
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", OpacityFunction -> None, Boxed -> False,
Axes -> False, BoxRatios -> Automatic,
PlotLabel -> "Copper-Nickel"]}
"ComplianceMatrix"->If[Abs[y] <= 1, matA, matB]
doesn't seem to work. $\endgroup$IF
at every entry, and it runs, however, the reported frequencies are as if it's not constrained. It's constrained the same way as a monolithic material which gives appropriate values. Any thoughts? $\endgroup$